Will Khadgar's wheelchair be plot relevant?

Why can’t it float?

Why does the wheelchair need to be more plot relevant that it already is. It’s to emphasize how much damage was done. It’s to emphasize the stakes, without killing a character. Blizzard in the past has made error in showing stakes by murdering off character after character this choice seems to show they are attempting to show stakes in a way that can keep characters around, that is by way of permanent injury.


Was it made by the elves or the gnomes? The difference could be that its powered by a giant wind-up spring or a mana battery that’s rechargeable and recyclable.

Long as it isnt goblins

I am reading a manga called Tank Chair where the MC is in a wheelchair. I read some pretty crazy stuff.

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Oops forgot 3rd option, Sylvanas could push him around as part of her debt.


Medivh was killed in WC1. He is now some echo ghost thing.

I just wish it was, I dunno, a more personalized design rather than a generic chair with a spell effect over it. They could’ve made it an actual levitating chair with magic or something instead of the wheels.

But the laziness of it tells me it won’t be here for long and that it’s really there to represent how messed up Khadgar is after the Dark Heart stuff.

Why not just make him a deadbeat dad?

If he doesn’t roll over someone with the wheelchair then he isn’t trying hard enough.

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You can ask him why. He tells you why. The wheelchair was made by a former lover of his. It holds sweet memories of her, and she seems to be gone by the sounds of it.

Oooo that’s a good theory and one I think is most plausible.

In the video his wheelchair was a floating.

Some orc dude from outland, but it was all wooden orc engineering lol.

Drek’Thar’s Wheelchair

h ttps://www.wowhead.com/npc=48971/drekthars-wheelchair

When i googled Drek 'thar wheelchair a slew of character images in wheels chairs including in Dragon flight Dragon expedition camp Dracthyr in a wheel chair.

The only thing left for khadgar is shave his head and call him professor x. To me my X-Men!


Maybe Khadgar is just getting his wheelchair ready for some future feline sleepwalkers to appear?

Slight exaggeration. I know they have a wooden wheel chair and are green

He was resurrected around cata by his mom though that might of been retconned as its the least stupid thing involved with that plot.

Hey listen, just because he kept popping up as a head in a bubble scaring you and many others is no reason to say such things. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t blink only in a straight line? I imagine game mechanics and bugs won’t effect someone like Khadgar. lol

I miss bubble head Khadgar. :frowning:

Why was nobody this concerned when Drek’thar got a wheelchair?

Guess magic doesnt work in this case. They had to tick a box for a wheel chair character like rainbow six.

Its dumb when he could just float, does his bird form have a wheel chair?

Too be clear it just makes no sense in this kind of world, his one of the most powerful mages out there and isnt some random commoner or non magic user no one knows about.

Probably because he’s not magical and also wasn’t ressurected/healed by the light