Will I ever see WOW in the daylight?

I don’t understand why you have “oceanic” realms that are linked to Californian time zones rather than Australian but due to this I have played the entire BFA expansion in game night time. I have never once seen Zandalar or Kul Tiras in game daylight, this greatly detracts from the game as the entire visual experience of it is perpetually gloomier, less colourful and cheerful than is for Americans playing wow.

From what I understand this is a very easy fix for blizzard that you are for some reason just unwilling to do for your oceanic players. Please rethink this, making this minor adjustment can ONLY improve player experiences.


There are some minor drawbacks but overall would be an improvement maybe they can fix our calendar while their at it.

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I wouldn’t hold my breath. The last blue post on the matter was this:

Almost 2 years from then and there’s been no further mention of it. Best of luck to you all, I certainly wouldn’t want to play that way either. :confused:

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I have some news for you all! the ‘Jar of Sunwarmed Sands’ trinket gives us OCE players a slight fix to this problem, it provides 2hrs of midday skybox lighting yet here again, for some inexplicable reason blizz has screwed us over. this trinket has a 2hr duration, you lose buff on death and it has a 24hr CD. Compare this with the shadescale trinket which does the same but turns it to midnight which has a 1hr cd… no idea why blizz would do this but its something


WELL… an irony…i wish to see darker nights…not 24\7 daylight. EU here.

A little bit of a different situation there. If you’re in the EU, you do have the option of playing on EU servers which are synced to your time. I understand if you wouldn’t want to for whatever reason, but the option is there nonetheless.

The issue with our OCE friends is that their local servers are connected to the NA region, which are synced to the NA day/night cycle and times. They don’t have an option unless blizz fixes it for them unfortunately.

This has been a problem since legion. Sucks doesn’t it.

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I wonder if the devs play the same game than us. :confused:

If you’re playing Diablo maybe.

They do, they just dont play it on OCE servers so they have no idea at all what its like to play in perpetual night… oh but they gave us a sweet toy with a 2hr buff on a 24hr CD… but hey, if you want to make day to night though, fill your boots! They have a super cheap item for you… they couldnt possible extend us players in OCE the same courtesy. No, we get a nice F YOU!

We shouldn’t have to rely on trinket to do Blizzard job they should fix it. Sick of playing in the dark of night at 12pm Australian time. LAZY I call it on Blizzard part.

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Well, Technically the answer is yes. Shadowlands don’t really have a night/day cycle as it is the afterlife. So when in Bastion you will get sunshine, but while in Ardenweald eternal night sky.

This has always had me thinking. In WoW classic I can play during the day in daylight WoW time on one of the oceanic realms, so I’m not sure where the difficulty would lie in converting this to retail WoW?

There is a toy that gives 2h of daylight but it sucks it doesnt persist thru death or sometimes thru some instances.

Just to keep this going. Can the devs please change the day/light cycle? put it on a 3 or 5 hour timer. That way you can experience both set ups (as well as sunsets and sunrises).
Why bother with designing the nightscapes, when some people will never see it.