Will Frost/UHDK become META for next season?

No. As I said if you bothered to read, I’m rejecting your examples because

  1. It doesn’t line up with the patch notes whatsoever. Frost is currently one of the strongest specs in M+. You’re claiming that in 11.1, its extremely weak despite getting significant buffs when very few classes got buffs. That doesn’t make any logical sense.

  2. Your other examples are strictly raw output with 100% uptime and no mechanics to deal with, one of which is just a simulation and not even actual gameplay. Its an unrealistic testing metric with data that is only somewhat useful.

  3. Its a very small sample size

  4. You didn’t actually provide any evidence. Screenshots, links, videos, nothing at all.
    Your entire post demands that I just take your word for it which I’m not doing. That goes double for when someone is posting on an alt. You have literally zero credibility right off the rip and you’re getting bent out of shape because I won’t just blindly believe you? Get real man.

I am highly skeptical of DK being meta in M+ but Frost has the best chance of the two dps specs. Without a significant overhaul to the talent tree or getting super buffed to the moon, there is simply no way for Unholy to be meta. The talent tree does not allow you to build a solid generalist build for M+. You have to make significant tradeoffs between AoE, Single Target and Cleave. Not to mention that the new tier is weak for Unholy. You won’t replace 639 current tier until you hit 658 4 set of the new tier set.

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i am sorry fam, but dps dk looks real bad next season, atleast in keys

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Refer to point 1

Spams 2 buttons for 80% of the time
Calls it a rotation
Thinks it deserves to be meta.

K buddy. Frost has no business being meta just like dh doesnt with their 3 buttons.

Gets explained how Frost has more buttons than Unholy multiple times.
Refuses to accept the facts.
Still clutches to garbage opinion.

Bad players will have bad opinions forever I guess. I wonder how much he paid for his account.

Welcome to the ignore list ya Troll.

BM is unironically not as easy as people tend to whinge about it being.

Havoc? Have you played Havoc since Dragonflight? We’re not in Legion/BFA anymore, mate.


In today’s tier list by icy veins perko

He ranked frost as a plus

Also whoever thinks havoc is easy to play is living a decade ago.

Havoc is y a 3.button spec anymore you have have precise timings to adhere to as well as maintainingovement buffs

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