Will Frost/UHDK become META for next season?

It’s not actually. Obliterate acts as a filler in that rotation because you need to keep an eye on your diseases to maximize the damage and keep horn up. Only changing it up if a km/rime pops up. Diseases at the time had a short timer and don’t generally reapply themselves meaning you needed to cast plague strike and icy touch frequently. To say it was a 3 button spec back then is a lie.

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It is. 3 abilities are the majority of the buttons that you press. How many times do I have to repeat the same thing just for you to quote out of context and argue something else that I never said?

Its not a filler, it was the most used ability during wrath as well as being the top damage.

Wrong. 100% wrong. Glyph of Disease

https ://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Disease

Then there is Epidemic increasing disease duration with the Unholy subspec which made it easier giving some room for screw ups. Both subspecs blood and unholy both used Glyph of Disease.

So yes, it was a 3 button spec focusing highly on Obliterate, Frost Strike and Howling Blast.

Know what, i am just gonna say, “no you bad DK git good” and leave it at that.


well said fam, well said

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So you agree with him that you dont press the same buttons the majority of the time? Talk about some big time KDS that no matter what is being said and no matter how wrong the person is, you will side against me just for spite continuing this further delusion.

Nah. Your just not listening and rejecting facts at this point. Not to toot my own horn, but I was a top frost DK in my server during ICC. I know when someone is just being bad.

No sense in argueing with someone putting his fingures in his ear and going “tra-la-la-la!”

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No you werent. Any top to average DK player knew you refreshed diseases with Glyph of Disease. If you were frequently using Icy Touch and Plague Strike through a fight you were bad.

I gave an explaination on how the spec works 3 times in wrath in an articulated explaination. All you did was go nih-uh. This conversation is over. You lose. Go home. And stop wasting more time and learn to move on. If you wheren’t keeping diseases active, keeping horn up, turning runes to blood runes you simply did not play the spec right. End of story, nothing to debate.


And you are wrong, it doesnt matter how much detail you put into something if you are wrong.

https ://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/8zKGg7CXbvRDjafy?fight=9&type=damage-done&source=25

Here is a log to show how absolutely wrong you are. Icy Touch used once, Plague Strike used once, Obliterate used 24 times, Frost Strike used 20 times. Like I said, Obliterate and Frost Strike were your most used abilities and in this case Blood Strike was used more than Howling Blast. Granted this was only a little over 1m, this fight going on longer would only skew things further into my favor.

You are the one that is wrong, and yes this conversation is over because I just dropped a nuke on your entire argument. Using Icy Touch and Plague Strike multiple times a fight… get out of here with that nonsense.

You do know icyveins is more of a guide then a go to, and if they used obliterate that many times and didn’t refreash blood plague, they are losing damage from obliterate being that oblerate’s damage is amplified by how much diseases you have on your target. But yeah, keep on being mad. Git good.

Holds up mirror in front of you and points your reflection on it.

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That wasnt Icy Veins dude. That was the top log on Saurfang for Frost DK’s.

They did, they refreshed Frost Fever too, its called Pestilence with the glyph of disease which refreshes your diseases.

Why are you even talking about this? This is the hill you are dying on? Your lack of knowledge about the spec is blinding dude.

Mad about what? Im laughing over here because you are so far off its hilarious. Ive provided all the links to back up what I am saying is correct, you have nothing.

What am I wrong about? That glyph of disease didnt refresh your diseases for a singular blood rune instead of using a frost and unholy rune that would be better spent on Obliterates instead of Icy Touch and Plague Strike? which leads to more uses of Obliterate and Frost Strike?

Maybe you need to read through

https ://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/classes/death-knight/frost/dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities-pve


https ://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/classes/death-knight/frost/dps-talent-builds-glyphs-pve

to refresh yourself on how Wrath was played.

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Does frost good with two hands? I hate playing with dual so…

It is better than it was in S1(Mainly if you have a cantrip weapon from the raid), but still behind dw.

are you saying that udk is more complicated? TWW made udk the less complicated of the 2 by far.

neither will be meta next tier.
frost is mediocre and unholy is one of the weakest dps specs in 11.1.
Unholy is irredeemably weak on ptr

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Anything to back that up or is “trust me bro” your source? Because both are getting some pretty significant buffs.

go to each class discord and snoop around for ptr sims. You will find out that both dk sims are 10-20% behind.

I know what you are going to say. Stacked sims are not a good metric to look at. I agree!

Log on to ptr and hit training dummy for 5 minutes on both dk specs and compare them with other classes. The disparity is actually larger than sims!

Lastly, if you still believe first two examples I provided are not reliable, go do some ptr keys.

I’ve done a lot of ptr keys. I played dks and 4 more classes so far. So I’ve seen a lot of different specs and how they perform (both by playing them and looking at other players in my group). dks do okay on aoe (especially frost), but when you look at their st dmg or boss dmg it is the lowest of every spec I’ve seen (I have not played with all 36 specs on ptr but u get my point). It’s really bad. Unholy’s st? It’s actually comically bad.

I’ve put in a lot of hours researching and actually playing ptr to come to this conclusion.
So if this comes across as “trust me bro” I am not sure what else I can say


Sims and Dummys are both not great metrics to go by. They’ll show raw output which is definitely something to take into account, but they don’t show how the specs actually perform in a raid.

Doing keys on PTR is by comparison, a tiny fraction size of the actual player base.

Counter point : I don’t do a ton of keys, but the couple times I’ve been left in the dust as Frost on Live was when someone had 10+ ilvls on me which is fair. I haven’t tried doing any content on PTR as I dont feel like re-installing and configuring my UI addons on the PTR. I don’t see any other significant buffs for other classes (maybe Mage and Shaman but those look more like changing up the throughputs as opposed to straight buffs) while Frost and Unholy are both getting large buffs.

So what you’re saying doesn’t really make any sense. Maybe if you had some screenshots or something with actual damage numbers then Id more inclined to believe you. But as of right now, “trust me bro” isn’t even remotely enough.

ptr keys scale your gear so everyone will have same ilvl (which is how ptr keys have worked always).

So basically you are rejecting all 3 of my examples because u personally haven’t seen it.

I get that what is most convincing to people is something they experienced for themselves. Please go look at various blue posts since PTR, contrary to what u r saying there were a lot of classes changes for other classes. For example warrior was doing really poorly but they got pretty much 25% buff and now they’re really popping off on all 3 metrics I talked about.

I get the feeling you just don’t want to be convinced that dks are underperforming on ptr based on ptr notes u’ve read without actually seeing it in action.

All I can say is I really hope we get some buff or you will eventually see this lack of performance.

By then I won’t be gloating for being right, I’ll be just sad that blizz didnt give us a hand.

Also, if all 3 metrics, despite none of them being perfect (but even u said it’s something that should be taken into account), indicates that we’re 10-20% behind why do u think in practice it’s actually not the case and all the negative indicators are all fake news??

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