Gonna pump the breaks there.
For a large part of the game, the Horde and ALliance stuff was player-driven and opted in. There was gestures at Horde and Alliance scuffles but nothing ever got written down on the record as being fully at war, ya dig?
Sure, there was Battlegrounds. Sure, there was World PvP. Sure, there was Objectives in the Overworld that traded hands. But it was never the main dish, it was a complimentary Flavor to the over-all pakcage.
Then near the twilight era of the Wrath of the Lich King, we started getting rumblings of some truely pants-on-heads boneheaded faction Plays. Up to and including the very beloved Gunship fight in ICC that sort of pops out of the woodwork and then immediately fades back to what everyone was actually there for.
And in the meantime, every time the Faction War kicked up after the fact, a small part of the setting that Warcraft 3 left off on got peeled away bit by bit, up to and including character assassinating Rexxar, Making Jaina Retroactively Wrong and making her Racist Dad in the right, and more and more my resentment of making the red and Blue fight on incraesingly spurrious grounds was long since worn away.
Blizzard got me looking at the Amirdrasill stuff and as a Hordie cheering that the Nelves get something back, beacuse my god have I gotten sick of wanting to mind my own business and then being told by the Decree of Story Quests that I gotta go kick some puppies or whatever when all I just wanted to do was be a big cowman.