I think it goes without saying that the game is going in a direction where the factions are working together rather than fighting like they always did up until Shadowlands. War-bands, cross-queueing for Mythic+, and now even the major cities of each expansion don’t have their own faction-exclusive cities. Are we really going in this direction? I hope not.
‘‘up until shadowlands’’
Legion exist
This isn’t new. Dalaran has been a thing since Wrath.
The factions aren’t being dissolved. Just gameplay barriers so we can play with friends. And the factions aren’t integral to the story right now.
They still have their cultural differences though.
Meh, naw. The only “factions” going away are the barriers to group play. The Horde and Alliance can do whatever they want, but we are murder hobos chasing bigger piles of gold.
Remember we can partner with the enemy faction leaders, do quest with them, work along side them or straight up be apart of a faction that doesn’t obey ally/horde rules like Dalaran.
But somehow playing with friends on the other faction is ruining the lore.
Yes, hopefully. We need a good shakeup around here instead of “grr, me orc, me hate humans”.
And Cata, and Wrath, and TBC, and vanilla, and Warcraft 3…
Facts, Legion just stands out the most to be b/c we legit ignored faction almost completely in favor of our order halls. We all grouped based on our own power and views against the legion.
Such a letdown when they turned it around the other way in bfa, bfa was a mistake IMO.
The factions have already faded away. There is no glory left.
I originally didn’t care if factions were removed from the lore because I really just wanted to have arbitrary restrictions on which characters can play together removed, but now I would like to have factions totally deleted from the game just to upset the people who are always like “what happened to the WAR in WARcraft?!”
Dalaran still had divided quarters for Alliance and Horde, I mean try entering the Horde quarter and you’ll find yourself getting teleported out
… don’t get technical on me!
I don’t think that the faction divide is ever going to simply go away, but they did the right thing in making it so that more people can play with their friends.
It was always super depressing over the years to find other people who play WoW, only to find out that you couldn’t do in-game content together because you played on different factions.
So fixing that, and making it so that any two max-level characters can potentially play the game together, regardless of faction, is simply more important than faction lore.
And it’s actually pretty silly that faction politics would dictate what individual characters can or can’t do. It doesn’t make sense that there is no free will in this game, but instead, each chracter is locked into a certain faction from birth simply because of their race. Is there really any logical reason why an individual Human couldn’t join the Horde, or a Tauren couldn’t join the alliance, etc?
Idk, it might always exists vestigially. At this point I think they should just carve it out completely
Someone hasn’t been paying attention since TBC.
It be really funny we got it though.
Here is the new fully functional Suramar. Come visit. We can fly here too!
And blood elves would be going wth, silvermoon is still a no fly zone? wth
While I am somehwat grinning to spite the people who want to have us in pointless scuffles for no goshdang reason and Feel the Faction conflcit has outlived it’s welcome way past the time it finally got kaiboshed from the main stage…
I don’t think the faction presences should go away entirely. Horde Versus Alliance can still exist, but it needs to be manifested in much more sustainable ways.
Like Sports!
They’re practically marketed as football teams anyway, may as well take it to the logical conclusion
Even if factions fight together they can still be factions. You can have many factions in a government or many different countries working together, but that doesn’t mean that they do not have a distinct identity.
I don’t think working together needs to mean complete dissolving of factions. There are still things that separate us. And complete homogenization is boring and bad.
Hate to tell ya, pal. Factions and faction divide is a thing of the past and it isn’t going back to the factions at each others throats when there is no real reason they should be. Frankly the forced garbage of BFA showed the player base just how stupid it was to begin with. In Warcracft, the RTS games, sure. It made sense. But after TBC, or if you really want to nitpick, Wrath, there was really no point in it. And for the record, the only faction conflicts in Legion were Genn and Sylvannas’s hate of each other, and forcing their people to die for them to screw of the other side. Sit down and enjoy the ride, cause eventually my foxes are going to be wandering Stormwind without the need for prisms.