Will Evoker Become a Meta Class?

I feel like far down the road, even with inevitable nerfs [Balancing] put in place, Devastation Evoker in particular might become a meta spec.

Than again I question whether it will even be played enough.

It will get more players than monks did/do strictly because dragon


No the hold and click gimmick will be too much of a dps loss for most people to be meta.

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There will be a patch that will make them very power. It happens to everyone

God I hope not, they’re really boring. Though to be fair I only leveled through one zone in the beta with one.

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I think the healing spec has a better chance of becoming meta that the DPS spec just because of how much aoe damage it does compared to other healers. Particularly given how it packs so much of that damage into such a small amount of globals.

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That’s kind of what I thought for myself too since I’ll be maining a Devastation Evoker, but there’s an option to make click and release instead of click and hold.

I don’t see it being too much of a hit and miss deal, rather it’ll take some getting used to.

Something that doesn’t do crap for damage and dies faster than a mage is going to be meta?

You’re a little outnumbered by the tidal waves of “OMG NERF DRACTHYR OP WTFBBQ?!!”, exaggeratively speaking of course. It’s been used humorously how overpowered they are, especially in PVP.

I expect tuning and balancing will fix a lot of this but I would like to see for myself if the claims will still add up.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone claim they’re OP.

What makes you think it will be a meta spec? Speaking for devo here. I plan on playing one as my main if things are ok but I don’t think it’s happening any time soon with them being a meta spec. They simply won’t be OP like DH and DK where.

While the Dracthyr racials are nice for disruption in M+ I don’t see it bringing anything to make it meta. Other classes just do it’s job better, and it does not seem like it will be the best for damage with the recent changes but they are still working on the class. Root on a 1.5 min CD, Maybe a stun on a 2 min CD that we likely can’t take without losing out on other needed talents. Rescue sounds nice but you still take damage from bad which pulling timmy out of the fire so it will be super niche, the shield from twin guardian is good though.

It might be one of the better classes at bursting down weak ads with it’s mastery but that’s all I see it being amazing at in M+.

It won’t be meta in raids, will be good to have one though for the buff and a Evoker staff drops.

It’s not looking great in arena, even more so after the changes they just did to the spec. It might work out as it has some nice PvP talents but it’s hard getting melee off you with how mobile they are. Roots seem to remove your hover too even if you are immune, considering they have yet to fix it idk if it’s even a bug.

the healing spec is looking better though from what the other players in the beta have told me.


Devastation dps is pretty hard you know, you need to both click AND hold at the same time.

I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about the healing spec as of late.

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This is simply not a thing, I take it you watched the single Dalaran video where the Evoker was abusing bugs to one shot people with a trinket while he also had the necrolord fleshcraft shield and think that’s the norm?

There have been people talking about the quick kill combo but that’s about it. You don’t have beta access huh.

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No, I don’t. Which is why I have watched plenty of videos, class and ability assessments and listen to what multiple other people are saying about them.

And no, it’s more along the lines of:

but he’s the only one with it in thumbnail and title. The rest are timestamps I would have to find and sort through.

Ah… you mean the sensationalism that doesn’t even keep up with the changes that destroyed their DPS?


That’s why it was fully regarded when I made this thread wondering if even with the nerfs in place for balance if Evokers will be a meta class.

They’re absolutely nowhere near meta and never have been.

Why would they be? The expansion hasn’t even been released yet, they’re not even out the gates for everyone.

It will be popular .

Meta always changes, evoker will eventually have its day

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