Will Evoker Become a Meta Class?

Sounds like a skill issue tbh

 I can’t tell if serious or not. Hoping not serious.

Sounds like someone who isn’t in beta and has no clue as to the spell they lost and the damage that was nerfed.

I was actually in the 1st wave of beta invites, but thank you for assuming I don’t have it just because you don’t know how to play it. The only thing that makes mage have any form of tankiness is block. Damage will always be tuned up or down so you can’t really claim to know if evoker will be insane damage or the worst damage we’ve ever seen in the game. The OP is referring to the future.

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Oh. It’s you. The person who constantly tells everyone they’re bad at the game and usually has nothing respectful to say. Nevermind. Not even reading.

Which is why:

Makes no sense to say right now. We don’t know what changes will happen in the future and just how perfected rotations can be for these guys anyways. They may not have a lot going for them now but Dragonflight is their origin, I would expect there to be a lot of Talent changes and tunings in the following 2 years.

I’m not for or against it, I’m playing as a god damn dragon, that’s all I ever wanted in this game since MoP.

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You mean when they’re no longer relevant, people quit playing them and the “new toy” excitement wears off?

You mean like what happened with Demon Hunters and Death Knights?

Neither if which are meta. They were when first released, because they were insanely OP. Evokers are far from that now and will collect dust later when dragon obsession wears off.

“Dragon Obsession” didn’t even die since Cata. Do you know how many Dragon Role-Players I come across? And I’m not talkin’ people who RP as actual Dragons. I’m talkin, Dragonkin, Dragonsworn, Dragon Slayers, Dragon Masters, Dragon Poachers, Dragon Sellswords, Dragon this and Dragon that.

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Nowhere has anyone ever asked for rhis thingwe got to be a playable class. On rare occasions we saw drakonid pop up as a request. But this was never something people wanted. This is corrupt a wish.

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No, but the appeal of a playable reptile race has still existed.

Saurok was all I thought I could ask for ever since I saw them, but Dracthyr gave me everything I wanted since I joined WoW.

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So another short lived small request not from the masses? Mkay. You do you. I’m going to bed.

Short lived? Are you talking about it’s near 2k posts? The last one being a day ago? I don’t know what you mean but you do you
 thread was made in 2019 and still been going all that time. I also just checked and they have been talking about the Dracthyr.

Looks to me like a race like this may not have been asked for but for all accounts was certainly desired.

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 it’s 178 people. That’s it. And being bumped by the same ones. On a forum of roughly 1% of the playerbase, which was specifically told to us by a blue. Might want to look at a bit of perspective. This forum is nothing in the grand scheme of the playerbase.

Goodnight. Sleep well when you get there.

Hard to say how Evoker will play out for all we know major changes could happen between now and launch.

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That’s a percentage reflection of the player base. If only 1% of players actually go on the forum and 178 of that percentage wanted a reptilian playable race, then how do you think that spans out to the rest of the players in the game?

Who’s talking about perspective here?


 unless you select the UI option which allows you to click once to start the empower channel and click a second time to fire the spell.

Not required to become meta.
Survival hunter is a good example of that.

I’m going to talk about the M+ meta because that is much stricter and easier to quantify than the raid meta.

If devastation is tuned in such a way that it does very good damage with a profile that fits M+, it will become meta. Utility is overrated when it comes to M+ meta IMO, the real deciding factor will always be DPS. As long as you have lust and battle rez, the rest sorts itself out in most cases.

Preservation is a bit more difficult to determine. Healer meta is usually mana conservation + DPS output + HPS output + utility. Whether or not DPS is the most important factor depends on how strict of a healing check most dungeons are. A healing spec with bottom of the barrel DPS will not become meta, but having the highest DPS will also not guarantee a spot in the meta. Even priests with PI are not consistently meta. They have to pair well with the meta tank and fit the needs of the dungeons and composition. I think it’s the role that is most dependent on the rest of the meta composition, but I could be entirely wrong.

TL;DR: I don’t forsee either specs being truly meta in the 1st season, unless their tuning dial gets cranked way up.

Take a shot for every time I said “meta,” jeez.

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I skimmed through the video. Please tell me what is OP about Devastation as he never even said it in his video. They have some good tools to work with but nothing crazy.

Most of his video is just reading the talents off. It’s called click bait from someone who did not test the class much. All he did was some leveling going by his video, and this is an old video ignoring information from all the other classes and changes made. We have lots of people who have done raid, M+ and PvP testing.

The class will be good in PvE but it’s no where close to OP. Maybe if they want to over tune it’s damage.

PvP is another story, I worry about it there, in 3v3 arena anyway. The only people I’ve seen making video’s are simply doing 1v1 duels that are kinda irrelevant and Evoker are losing more often than not. I worry because melee are just insane in DF, all of them other than Pally get even more mobility and hover is broken with roots and other forms of CC. It’s not that hard shutting Evokers down and they need to be much closer to melee with the 25 yard range compared to the other casters.

With the recent EoI change we will be hard casting Living flame far more often rather than just going Godzilla on people with the channel back to back. They do get some fun and awesome tools top tier players will make use of for sure, but a lack of hard CC might be a problem.

Out root is kinda useless verses many melee that can just remove it with skills on a much shorter cooldown. Sleep walk is good. Our stun option is not good for PvP, much better in M+ if you can take it, wish they would place it lower on the talent tree. Overall other casters look like the will probably just be more effective and just better at kiting. I think the class will work in PvP but have a high skill cap to make the full use of it and might have a bad time verses some other classes. No clue how they are in BG’s as we did not get to test that far as I know. I see potential in BG’s with their tools. Chrono loop + swoop up look good for messing with a FC or healer for example. There should be some awesome plays that can happen but don’t expect to just walk over people like with DH.

I’m mainly talking about what we will see in S1 going by current trends. Things can always change in the future and I’m sure it will have it’s day of being the OP meta spec for a patch or two like most specs have had before. I hope my posts don’t seem like doom and gloom, I just think they don’t have a reason to be meta in their current state. From my experience meta has more to do with damage being busted anyway. As long as they are in a good spot we should be plenty happy.

As for survivability another poster said was bad, they are in an ok spot. No immune in PvE but with a 30% DR, about as much armor as a plate class and the 30% shield from twin guardian and even Zephyr they should be just fine.

That video is outdated by now and was just a single reference to what was the “tidal waves” of Dracthyr being OP during testing.

I am fully in the know of tuning, balancing and nerfs and Dracthyr got nerfed pretty bad but this is to be expected. You’re implying I’m calling Dracthyr out as a meta now when my original post clearly gives a future reference with words such as “will become”, “might become” and literally say “far down the road”.

If you think you’ve personally assessed the Dracthyr enough to solely make an ‘official’ statement on whether they are/will be meta or not [Which to me is quite arrogant of you] then you’re free to do so. But this is only for speculation and not for immediate answers upon their release to Live, still fresh out the gates.

I get your playing the beta right now, and seem to like being cheeky about it:

but it’s not some kind of professional gig you get paid for and all your “properly calculated” assessments could be trashed in the first months of Dragonflight and the following patches.