Can you craft bags with no points in the trees?
(I have no idea, I wasn’t in beta.)
Can you craft bags with no points in the trees?
(I have no idea, I wasn’t in beta.)
Yeah, basic bags are just learnt via leveling, same as the fishing line.
The new professions specific ones are different though. They require specialization.
lol Tell me about it. I felt anxiety going over to kill frogs in retail to farm timeless coins for the 100k mount…
Early access number of players collecting, early access number of players worth of demand.
100% wrong.
I GUARANTEE you that there will be high demand for herbs, ores, cloth, skins and many other materials.
Even if they don’t need them right now, people will do it to stockpile, to flip, to reset the market, a plethora of reasons why.
To do what?
Why would you stockpile when prices are highest?
(from Ion)
for these people to get a head start on leveling, aimed more at a lot of players who may not have as much free time and not have the ability to take time off work,
If ever I heard of a made-up excuse, its that. I would have preferred it if he’d just said “we wanted more people to purchase the Epic edition so we gave them an extra benefit for doing that”. That, at least, would have sounded a more reasoned business plan.
It’s not made-up, though, I have friends who can’t play until weekends and are always kinda bummed that they can’t even start leveling until the weekend after an expansion comes out.
There’s no real benefit to playing early access since everything is disabled. You can level up (which only takes a few hours, anyway), level an alt if you want, and look around. But that’s it.
Don’t worry, bots will have early access 100%, so it won’t really matter as they’ll flood the market as usual.
You people act like you’re also incapable of farming on your own and “have” to buy from the paid beta testers. Good effing grief. You lot also act like you’re temporarily embarassed world first raiders too and if you don’t have capped professions the second the world first race is on, you may as well delete the game.
Heck until mythic+ and raids open up, what even are you going to be spending your time doing?
Grabbing a reading desk, touring the new zones, staring at a random waterfall I found…for hooooours.
Why are people convinced that 3 days of early access is going to skyrocket people into the unreachable stratosphere of gear, achievements, tradeskills?
I rerolled characters like 2 months after DF started and still ended up being one of the best JC’ers (without Lariat, never got it) I caught up to 2 months of players having a head start and was still able to easily establish myself, catch up with gear, and still get AOTC in season 1.
The head start is not as dramatic as people seem to think it’s going to be, I promise.
You will have 2 more years - 3 day early access to farm those herbs and potential millions. Don’t stress over something that isn’t worth stressing bro.
They will never get anyone to pay extra for early access again if it is not. People use that to help level up characters. The only things that aren’t available are the weekly professions gains.
if you make that much at the start of an expansion from herbing then you have plenty of gold to pay for early access. The market isn’t going to disappear in three days.
let them be clueless - you are correct - people will be leveling up crafting professions and buying stuff off the auction house.
Why wouldn’t they be able to? It’s early ACCESS. It’s not a surprise with the way Blizzard has been releasing skins, transmogs, pets, toys, etc… that they’re moving slowly towards a more ‘pay to play’ sort.
Good question. How badly will EA players be timegated? We all know that Ion loves timegating.
has to be some perks to early access
To Daddy Blizz “player power” is the ONLY advantage. So a measly few million gold means nothing. After all, per the forums casuals were easily making 100k+ per day in DF.
On topic, I thought we’d be able to level the professions but specializations and “knowledge” wouldn’t be available until actual launch day. So basic skill gathering and maybe blue crafting.