Will Dracthyr ever be Feature Complete?

It’s crazy that we went the entire expansion of Dragonflight and the DT race is still unfinished.

You can huff copium and call it intentional design, but the reality is that releasing a new race with only two functional transmog slots is incredibly lazy, cost-cutting game design.

So do you think they’ll ever go back and finish the race? Or is this going to be something we’ll see again, where new races will be released with only a few active transmog slots? I could definitely see them pulling this again if they were ever to release Naga or Sethrak as a playable race.


I think they wanted to see how successful the race was before dumping anymore resources into it.

Right now, I think it’s mostly a ‘let it die on the vine’ approach.


Something something, implemented poorly.

It’s just weird how bestial races can wear clothes, but they drew the line at Dracthyr.

Imo, they ‘gave up’ the moment you could be in visage form permanently.


I’m fine with losing a few transmog slots if it means we get more non-standard races.

Dracthyr don’t have that much excuse though. They could easily fit legs, chests, gloves, etc.


Given how we were given Mechagnomes and they REFUSE to address some of the problems we have…

… you have better luck playing five card Poker and getting a royal flush at a casino.


Drakthyr feels more like a druid form than a race.

Honestly that’s what it should have been. Give every race Evokers and all Evokers can turn into Drakthyr.


It is finished.


You raise a good point tbqh.

This is also what is incredibly silly about being a bear or cat druid, you don’t get to fight in your own gear.

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Mechagnomes have been in the game much longer than lizards and they never “went back to finish” their xmog limitations.

Pretty sure you have what you have, and shouldn’t expect more.

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I am hoping someday they do improve the mog, and separate glizzard from visage mog. One can dream! Don’t kill my dream. I am simple Glizzard.


I’ve assumed it could have something to do with tails and wings. :robot::thought_balloon:

At this point they might as well double down on the Dracthyr mistake and stop modeling Evoker sets beyond the shoulders and belt. Or ya know, give up on the dragon entirely and let Evokers fight in Visage form. It’s hilarious, because the Evoker sets are often quite good, but completely wasted on this unfinished race.


We shouldn’t expect more.

I mean, we should expect more, Blizzard getting lazy with new races shouldn’t become the norm.

I laugh so hard when I see the preview images of the full set in Visage form, and then the preview DT images and it’s just the sad little shoulders and belt.


The last thing I want is my lizard experiment in human-style armor. I don’t want to look like a clown.

If they ever implement armor transmog for lizard form, it darn well better be a separate transmog from visage form. Because I am NOT going naked in visage just so I don’t look like an idiot in lizard form.

The race is finished. Claiming it’s unfinished is disingenuous at best. Transmog does not equate to an unfinished race.

Mechagnomes say hello, btw.

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Drathir will not be complete until Body 3 and/or Body 4 are added, and you can visage into any race/gender of your choice.
Body 3 being the DF Drakonid model, and Body 4 being the Dragonkin model.

Until then, it’s a great example nobody can refute showing how uninspired and low effort modern blizz for a modern conditioned consumer has become-- featureless xpac TWW aside. /spit

Can’t have Gnome visage. It was DOA.

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the weird half elf visages killed them, so no, i dont think they will. the funky lizard designs were tolerable, but the ugly visages tipped it over the edge


I really feel like they won’t revisit this aspect for the dracthyrs. It’s such a shame to release a race like this and then abandon it in the next expansion.

I still hope Blizzard will offer more armor styles if they really don’t want to allow transmog. Having only two different styles is not enough. There should be an additional style with each expansion to make up for the lack of options for the dragon form!