TBC is kinda easy, but this argument doesn’t make any sense.
Number of mechanics doesn’t by itself make anything hard. Normal dungeons and LFR have tons of mechanics but they are all so toothless they don’t matter (except 1-2 LFR bosses per expansion with 1 non-ignorable mechanic).
Tuning plays a large role in something being able to be cleared.
For example patchwerk in Naxx40 has 1 mechanic, yet the chances of a group wiping is massively higher than LFR or a normal dungeon despite their “many” mechanics because they tank’s health yo-yos between 100% and 20% every second for several minutes. Especially if the raid isn’t word buffed or doesn’t have 8+ fury warriors.
Again, retail is way harder in many end games ways, but number of mechanics on its own has nothing to do with it.
Yes the tuning of mechanics is what really matters 100% but we’re talking about gruul here lol the only actual mechanic he has is the shatter and all you do is spread out for that…
And on retail I’m a high end mythic raider with 3CE achievements lol, when I talk about mechanics I’m not talking about lfr or heroic dungeon mechanics, I’m talking about mythic and high key mechanics where messing up 1 thing can more often than not cause a wipe.
TBCC has number, yes. How many are people just in standby to 9.1 though?
I was in tbcc alot last night. I was all caught up in retail is why. Busy weekend of 2 chars closed out to 60 so a small break before I 60 anther class to 60 not done yet in order. Warrior or shaman or monk at 50…also have to pick which class 60’s lol. That will be a few days maybe.
Mog/mount runs done as much as I wanted (at some point I go screw arthas…he denied me 4 times I am done this week)…so that was off the table for things to do.
I took this accounts tbcc boosted rogue on a skinning party. Got to 215 before I said this is done for the night lol. LW leveling…that has me go ugh. Skinning however I can try to 300 skinning to skin in outland. I will sweat LW leveling later. Mix up skinning and AH shortcuts.
I won’t lie…it made me appreciate retails setup more. Oh you chose outland to level in (pre squish even). Learn LW/skiining 1, now learn Outland LW/skinning 1. QOL change I have learned to love. So many dead dinosaurs in the wetlands and arathi. Now bears and wolves in feralas.
Bruh my current guild only raids 5hr a week and we’ve had ridiculous roster issues the last 4 months just like many other mythic guilds. I also have 3CE achievements.
Where’s your CE achievements?? Dam nvm that, where’s your aotc achievements lmao
You wonder why you have roster problems. Heh, might wanna examine that toxic attitude. Who wants to be around someone like you…
Maybe use you for gear and log, but chat … na bro.
Such an edgy response that fails to deal with the fact that I said you were talking about two completely different things.
Saying that a prediction is always synonymous to baseless speculation is one of the most braindead takes on this forum. And that’s really saying something.
Waiting for your next response that makes me cringe!
You were making a declarative statement about a future event with 100% certainty, which implies that you can see the future. I called you on this and then chose to double down.