Yeah I highly recommend you start stockpiling copium chief
Maybe this time I will be proven wrong. Or maybe it will be another one of those times when I will be proven right and get the last laugh. Time will tell and all I can say is ante up.
Look, if Sylvanas is coming back, then they’d better bring Kael’thas back. There would be zero reason to bring her back, and not Kael’thas.
I don’t want Sylvanas back, mind you. I’d be fine with both her and Kael’thas just staying in the Shadowlands permanently.
Or Blizzard doesn’t bring back people from the dead and they focus on their current crop of characters so they would finally get the time to actually develop.
I don’t think I’ve ever considered any part of Warcraft to be real? It’s never been written or presented well enough to be fictionally immersive. It is a franchise with a few unique-ish concepts among much of the same copied concepts as anywhere else. Enough to go “Huh, those ideas are neat” but hasn’t ever been handled well enough to be anything other than a video game setting.
There is one big problem with undoing what she did. Many of these souls have been destroyed forever, no matter what Sylvanas does, she will not bring them before Arbiter judgment.
Also many don’t realize, Sylvanas presence in Midnight will only harm the development of the blood elves. We have so many BE heroes with so much potential. I don’t believe writers didn’t give her way too much screen time, while ignoring many established characters from Quel’thalas. ( if she come back of course)
So unnecessarily grim and serious. It’s Warcraft, it ain’t Shakespeare.
Or it’s because I actually want us to move on. Let death have an actual impact in the story and let that curtain call allow new characters the chance to gain the spotlight and develop and not regurgitate the same dozen or so characters.
Funny how you never say that when it’s stuff you want. Than suddenly it’s okay
You don’t see me asking for Varian to come back from the dead. Hell, and even though I want Arthas to get a shot a redemption I am not asking him to be anywhere within a 10 foot pole of anything truly Alliance related. He was still the reason the Alliance lost Lordaeron afterall.
Some people are so blinded and delusional by their unhinged Alliance hypocrisy, talk is just pointless. This is sickness.
I don’t envy the people writing Chronicles 4. They gotta make sense of all the time travel shenanigans in WoD, make sense of the Jailer and his mess of a story and motivation, and deal with everything related to Sylvanas from Legion to Shadowlands. Whatever they end up writing is guaranteed to make some people big mad.
So its hypocritical to ask that both these characters, who did unspeakable horrors, get treated exactly the same?
That neither of them return to factions but both get a shot at redemption?
One poofed as nothing more than a small cloud (Arthas) and one is already working on her redemption arc. You’re late to the party pal
And again, that can still be retconned along with the general “souls can be destroyed” thing.
Until it happens, talking about your fanfiction is irrelevant
Same with saying Sylvanas will walk again as some Forsaken citizen or whatever.
We’ll see if she shows up in Midnight. It’s the expansion she’ll show up in if anything.
And we will see in Chronicles how Blizzard touches again on the Shadowlands. Blizzard will have to talk about Arthas’ soul again. So lets see.
Go sit with Thadeus in the pews. This topic keeps coming up again and again from usual suspects with the most transparent motivations in the world. It all always comes back to shoving this IRL crap down our throats.