Will chronicles 4 whitewash...I mean "soften" Sylvanas

Well if the rumours regarding Afrasiabi are true, then yeah, it would have been his influence versus Kosak’s, and then he managed to break Kosak’s stuff one more time before he was yeeted, and that meant the writing team after was sort of stuck with the less nuanced Sylvanas and had to work with it somehow.

It’s why I don’t have any ire towards Danuser, really. He was dealt a bad hand, forced to write out of his comfort zone, and his team wasn’t able to pull itself out of the weird spiral.

Edit: I can and will and have criticized his writing, of course. But people tend to go uh… way too far.


I think that’s exactly what happened. There was Dave Kosak’s Sylvanas and Alex Afrasabi’s Sylvanas. The same conflict between the same writers also happened with Garrosh. It’s why there’s Stonetalon Garrosh and Twilight Highlands Garrosh.


Ah that’s right, Kosak preferred nuanced Sylvanas, I should edit my post, whoops.


This volume was always going to be controversial considering 2/4 of it were dealing with the faction wars and 1/4 the aftermath of said faction war.

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I don’t think they even need to, they already acquitted her with the extremely generous excuse of soul severance. It’s everyone else who went along with her broken reflection’s villainy whose images need a scrubbing.

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Your second image is broken. But you can fix it by shortening




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Not that anyone needs reminding but…

They acquitted the orcs with the extremely generous excuse of, “demon’s blood.” Then we had WoD.

Cleaning up Sylvanas’ image would have to remain an on-going process, because the moment she slips back into her old ways, it becomes a, ‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,’ moment. Yes, the Devs do seem to enjoy doing that. I know most of the bad actors behind Sylvanas’ spiral of poor characterization are out the door by now, but the damage has largely been done.

If Sylvanas Windrunner returns to the limelight as is not the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, you’ll hear cries of, “Not my Warchief.” If she does return with even the tiniest HINT of still being the Banshee Queen, you’ll hear cries of, “Still a monster, just kill her already!”

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Elune redeemed this person’s soul after they joined the Twilight’s Hammer at least:

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That would be a silly thing to say considering the Warchief position is currently defunct. And with both halve of her souls finally reunited, we’re likely going to be seeing more Ranger General Sylvanas than Banshe Queen. Which makes sense, long as she’s back and doing some good.


This is what I meant by, ‘Not my Warchief.’ In other words, Sylvanas would have to feel and behave so differently as to be another character, one completely divorced from the Sylvanas we’ve known since WoW began. Fans of Sylvanas will notice and voice their displeasure that their favorite character has been turned into a travesty of what she once was.

Depends on if a person is a fan of who Sylvanas was in life and was willing to put her all into defending her home, or if they were a fan of the undead version.

Not all her fans. Since some us will be happy that she’s even back and actually having a positive affect on the world for a change.

But there’s always going to be people who complain not matter what blizz does. Blizz could do everything people ask concerning someone like Sylvanas, and we’d still get someone who isn’t happy about it.

I will expect Blizzard will beging their Olympic Games level gymnastics trying to justify as much as possible everything Sylvanas did.

What I don’t justify is the use of Whitewash word. It’s unnecessarily offensive. Not that I care because we can all use whatever language we want but if we are interacting in a forum where people get triggered by the smalles thing it’s only fair we respect all groups.

Not to get too far off topic but, while I am aware of the meaning of this word, my original impression of it ages ago was, ‘apply a coat of white paint,’ to something to make it look cleaner, and that’s still how I tend to think about the term these days. Still, I can see how it can provoke some displeasure from others, and that’s fair. Thanks for sharing your perspective on the matter.

Isn’t that more like, the person repented and then Elune forgave them? I can’t get the context from the quest text alone, but the person says “my faith has been rekindled” and “absolution is the last thing I expect.”

That is the literal meaning. The racially-tinged version is using the literal meaning as a metaphor.


Are we talking real canon or fan canon? Because there’s a lot of iffy stuff about that based on old stories. Like the idea that Jaina’s actions were only bugs, as from what I remember it was a bug on the PTR that was turned into the canon as they liked it.

If I’m remembering right, it’s not just white paint, but there is an actual cheap white paint made out of lime and water at the most basic that is called whitewash.


Chronicle IV will likely have less opportunity to lighten Sylvanas’ actions, as unlike the Sylvanas novel Chronicle IV won’t be covering material from her living as a High Elf and for the most part will be focusing on her time before the other half of her soul was given back to her.

She did do irreversible harm to the story. But at this point it can’t get any worse, so the clown queen coming back and being pure would be great, would be fun to see her gaggle of fans pretend she was always a wholesome bean while they caterwaul to be the Scourge (but without being treated as the Scourge).

She will never serve btw.

This is the first time I have ever hear about “whitewashing” now having some racial connotation.

Because, no this has always just meant “trying to beautify/trying to pretty up something unpleasant” as far as I am aware.

No that isn’t exactly true it really depends on which definition you take in terms of the word redemption



  1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil

Example: God’s plans for the redemption of his world

  1. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt

Example: the peasants found the terms of redemption unattractive

So in essence Sylvanus is getting redemption by paying her debt through her searching and recovering all the souls lost in the maw etc. That is her own chosen form of payment for the debt she feels she owes for what she did and through which she will personally find redemption. Regardless of what anyone thinks

To break this down in the simplest way…
If a criminal goes to jail and they eventually find a way to acknowledge their actions and accept them etc. they are essentially finding a form of personal redemption. In cases where this happens criminals might for example get paroled and let out of jail. However, it is important to understand that this doesn’t mean that any victims of theirs etc must have forgiven them or for that matter can or would ever forgiven them. The parole happens and they are let out regardless of what anyone thinks except the people on the parole board the the criminal. Hence you can see that redemption can happen regardless of what any victims or associated victims might think etc