Will chronicles 4 whitewash...I mean "soften" Sylvanas

Khadgar neutral? I think you aren’t seeing the bigger picture about who he is working for. However, isn’t he just like the Titan’s using the champions of Azeroth to assist them in maintaining their designs etc.
So I wouldn’t say he is neutral as such I would say he is a pawn that is manipulated and used by the Titans to give the appearance that he is independent when clearly he isn’t… everything he has done has been more beneficial to the Titan Pantheon and mantaining their system and ordering is maintained…
He has access to some of the most ancient texts in his Library which clearly would likely have some information that the Titans didn’t want to have kept and yet we have nothing from him. He only seems to come out with information when we discover it and then all of sudden he knows about it etc… don’t you find that strange almost like it is planned…

So yeah I don’t think Khadgar is as neutral as you say Titan manipulated and used pawn sure…

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I would faction change for a karate class.

My love for Karate goes beyond my race preference in wow.

But, tbh, monks in wow are already very karate inspired IMO, I even made a thread few days ago about it.


Intelligent people can still be prejudiced.

I don’t really see that on this forum, but maybe the “chuds” don’t hang out here?

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Wait what? I thought it was Jaina that had to be prevented from singing Let it Go however, are you saying it is actually Let him Go and not Let it Go as we first thought? Makes so much more sense if that is the case :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Or you guys can let go of your belief Sylvanas will suddenly play a major role again.

Brief ones/cameos. I doubt it means she will suddenly take center stage again. As I said a true exit a la Malygos is more likely.

Sure. They can be. No denying that.

I’m still waiting on the quote where blizz said her story was done in BfA. Back your claim up with actual statements made by blizzard


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind this as long as he (Arthas) stays dead. The whole “permanent soul deletion” thing is kind of eye-rolly anyway.

That ruined a perfect outstanding cutscene.

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She’s literally redeeming herself by undoing what she did by sending souls to the Maw and she wasn’t even responsible for breaking the Arbiter.

I’m so tired of this basic retort.

In order to be redeemed you have to show regret/remorse, which she’s done, and take steps to remedy the damage she caused, which she did. She’s more deserving of redemption than most characters.


Getting back to the original topic, I think it will be very interesting if Chronicles 4 does soften her portrayal a bit, since Chronicles 3 was one of the early examples of them retroactively making her look worse. If Chronicles 4 takes a different approach, then I think we can safely chalk up her potrayal in Chronicles 3 to the influence of certain devs who are no longer with the company.

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She CAN NOT undo what she did! She burned Teldrassil and nothing can change that!

Redemption doesn’t mean undoing.


That’s NOT how redemption works!

They said she’d be back in Forsaken hertiage quest so…

She also had a whole BFA arc with Azshara, Xal’atath and N’Zoth which is currently plot relevant.

QQ harder Zerde.


If redemption means undoing to you, then nobody can ever be redeemed unless they have a time travel machine.


Exactly my point.

That’s exactly how redemption works. She cannot change the past but she can grow as a character and atone for her sins. Her realizing that she was a monster, and her actions are unforgivable, was her redemption.


I’d just as soon not get into a semi-religious debate about the nature of redemption, so I’ll just say that to me, redemption and undoing are two entirely separate things.

I think she will, someday. But if Blizzard are smart, they’ll keep her offstage for quite a while before they try it.

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