Will chronicles 4 whitewash...I mean "soften" Sylvanas

There’s nothing to redeem.

An encyclopaedia by DK cannot redeem Sylvanas… AT ALL!!!

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Or Blizzard is moving on from all the old characters and like it or not they are positioning Calia as the new Forsaken head honcho.

I would also point out Blizzard might throw their owb curve ball and do something about Arthas. Maybe soft retcon the whole “his soul is gone/any soul can be permanently destroyed”.

Can you please read and understand things before posting. Just once? I didn’t say Sylvanas was coming back to lead. I just said she’s most likely coming back.

You would have known that if you understood what I actually wrote


Of that I have already said she will likely comeback. Only to get shoved out the door a la Malygos/Sindragosa.

There is likely zero reason to keep such s lightning rod of controversy as a significant part of WoW’s story.

There’s tons of reasons to keep her around. You not liking her isn’t one of those reasons.


Her story is done. She is not getting a do over. And Blizzard seems intent to slowly retire their old heroes. Which include her.

Nice fanfiction based on nothing. Her story is over when Blizzard decides it’s over. Not you.


Sylvanas is widely disliked not because she is a female character, but because she has had a bad history recently.

And just like Illidan, I hope she doesn’t come back. Or, at the very least, that it takes a long time for her to come back.


They literally said Shadowlands was her story ending. Her voice actor even mentioned it.

Get me the quote of them saying that. Because SL totally happened and she made a brief appearance in the forsaken heritage quest for Loyalists during DF.


She’ll become back and live as a recluse in the Plaguelands, never to interact with the Horde or Alliance ever again.

You know what would be the most abhorrent thing that Blizzard could do with her eventual return?
They could have some kind of Calia Menethil style redemption arc and have her be bought back from death and empowered with Cosmic Light making her the first Daylight Elf
Only then to have her… I don’t know like just for some reason that eludes all the Night Elf and alliance players she becomes the leader of the Night Elves…I mean the hypocrisy is there you only need to look at Calia and what is happening with the Forsaken to think this could happen…

Just saying…


That would be pretty terrible. If she does have any significant roll in the future, she’ll probably have a similar roll like Khadgar has, in that she’ll be neutral and helping both sides to save the world from whatever current threat is attacking Azeroth.


We underestimate how long it would take for her to rescue all souls lost in the Maw.

I feel that based on how big the Maw is, this would be the job of a couple of centuries.

Of course, there is no one actually enforcing her, so she could escape in theory, but that would not be heroic or redeeming, so maybe if she comes back is still in a morally ambiguous way.

I honestly think for better or worse Sylvanas is done now.

No, that would be the worst. Have you no idea what day elves inevitably do? Have you not heard their rallying song??

Day elf!!
Fighter of the night elf!!!
(We’ve had this already, we don’t need more!!!)

Champion of the sun!!
(They steal this, literally steal it from the only sun-worshippers in game, the tauren!!!)

You’re a master of karate and friendship for everyone!!!
(And now they’re stealing everything that is pandaren too!!!)

No, please do not make Sylvanas the first Day Elf, she will ruin so much!!


Oh so the point of this thread is, “if Sylvanas can be redeemed so can Arthas.”

Just let him go.


But Sylvanas hasn’t been redeemed. And with all the atrocious crimes she committed, she never will be.


You had me there.

I want a karate class.

Given you’re a night elf and day elves would be diametrically opposed to you, I don’t think they would let you play as the Karate Master class.

I mean Tyrande will. She has owl guarding her.