I think if they released the hardcore challenging early version of Cata to start then a lot might actually embrace it and enjoy it. But from the looks of it it’s going to be 4.4 after all the adjustments to classes and dungeons.
When Cata released I don’t think a lot were embracing difficult content or games like they do nowadays. I used to stay far far away from Dark Souls when that was newer cause it was too frustrating. Nowadays we have Mage Tower, Horrific Visions, Flawless Torghast runs, Mythic raiding, and M+ in Retail alone that have all been fairly well received after awhile. And now you have Hardcore Classic that people were thrilled about. Times have definitely changed!
Ok it was patch 5.0.4 during the Cataclysm expansion Hunters lost the ability to equip both Ranged and melee. Mages probably followed shortly thereafter. Don’t get caught up in semantics. My point being the Slippery Slope to the Retail we have now has begun at this point.
Not semantics. Just shows you can’t remember Cata that well (not in a bad way)
5 means MoP. That’s the MoP pre-patch.
SoD hype will be gone by then, and with the wrath servers migrating to cata id say that a majority of the current classic playerbase will end up moving to cata.
This is funny and also sad to read.
The people who refuse to play Cata are here trying to convince everyone else why they shouldn’t either, and why the people who do want to play are wrong/stupid/ignorant etc.
The people who are going to play Cata are here trying to convince everyone why they should too, and why the people who don’t want to play are wrong/stupid/ignorant etc.
If you’re going to play Cata (like me), play it. Hopefully there will be a separate forum soon.
If you’re not, play out Wrath (or don’t), then leave. Simple.
We already know damn well no one is changing their minds here lol.
So I guess what I’m saying is, shut up no one cares???
Depends on how War Within and SoD season 2 perform.
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Well tbf, most of the time it starts with a Cata hater talking bad about Cata (or saying lies), while the ones that enjoy Cata (or are neutral) try to defend that.
The impression I get is that the majority of the haters never even played Cata. They’ve just read it was bad. That it destroyed the game, etc.
I didn’t love it. Neutering the talent trees annoyed me. Revamping the world was meh. But I enjoyed 80-85 questing. Dungeons were fun…eventually (though Blizz is ruining that with Mythics in Classic). Molten Front was fun. The expansion was worth playing at least. I’d say that about every version of WoW…until WoD. Where the game completely changed in design philosophy: E-sport or gtfo. Which they’ve also done to Classic.
Cannot add anything else to that. You’re absolutely right.
A lot of people are hyped for cata and some even returning to wow it self to play cata.
Cata had a lot of problems I think people forget we literally had scrapped raid content the under water raid that was suppose to be released and tie in the story with throne of tides. What’s funny is the actual zone is complete as there are videos of the actual raid completed, but blizzard never released it. This is when they were aiming for yearly expac’s which was rushing content release. Dragon soul was never a good raid aside from spine of death wing being a bad fight we never unlike tbc where we fight illidan or wrath when we fight Arthas never actually fight Deathwing himself and I know for a fact a lot of people forgot how dumb the story was at the end when green Jesus shot a beam at deathwing and saved the world. People back then considered the ending horrible writing unlike the previous 2 expac’s of WoW at the time. Cata will be hyped first few months, but it will die out in pop to a very low number of players when people find out the issues that plagued cata.
How silly. Lots of folks will be playing it. Don’t fret…LOL
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I’m not canceling my sub over it. I’m more likely to play Era or Retail over Cataclysm.
here is a fun fact
Original cataclysm with all it’s downsides and bad reputation was way better than current wrath classic & was more successful than this trash version of classic wrath.
I know right but the same smooth brain wrath haters will tell you that ‘hur dur majority stayed with cata’ not ‘we just lost the playerbase until legion’.
If anything this community has proven time and time again the new shiny will draw them. It launches in a SOD between period it will be a hit. If they decide to launch it a week after retail launch, at the sametime as SOD phase, and when a new era type came play comes along all at once it probably wont be so good. You think the would be smarter than this but… the last few releases have kind of lined up to clip each other pretty good.
Catas problem when it was “live” was terrible release cycle. Not gameplay. You sat on each patch month and months and months to long. Mostly because they were going to ditch WoW for titan… that didnt work out… but most the eggs were already in that basket. Gameplay was fine. I mean its pretty much the same cycle as all of them. Level > 5 man > raid/pvp… thats really it. If you liked the past few expansions I dont see why you wouldnt like Cata.
It’ll probably be less than wotlk servers but classic is such a huge game it absolutely deserves will be populated
Let’s be honest, buying boosts and GDKP’s are the only way to play in modern classic(meaning the classic progression era servers, currently being Wrath). The WoW community is so Hell bent on letting others play the game for them that actually playing the game is a distant third on the priority list. That being “Buy a WoW Token/RMT Gold, spend said gold on a GDKP/Arena boost, and maybe if you feel like it, ACTUALLY play your character.”. That’s how the current state of Classic Progression is, and it’s not changing anytime soon so it really is ONLY the minority of us here who care about class balancing, content being fun, etc., etc… The vast majority of the player base is just gonna spend gold to let other people play the game for them.
and accuse you of fun policing them when you say it shouldn’t be abotu that.
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