Will Cata survive Dragon Soul?

In all honesty…

With servers that used to be megaservers down to only a couple thousand raiders I am unsure of Cata’s longterm survival. Once the Firelands honeymoon phase is over I can only see it downhill from here. With a new fresh announcement we might see the final nail in the coffin. And Blizz has shown very little support for Cata throughout this time

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I never understood this sentiment . it is a progression server/ game version, other games have it too. this progression ends and we move on to the next fresh server. why people tend to get so clingy to played and completed content

Because they’ve had the characters for 5 years.

Dragonsoul was a fine raid besides the last 2 bosses. Most people hated dragonsoul because it went on for like a year. Imagine spending a year doing the same raid.

4.3 adds quite a bit of stuff though, new gems, dungeons and raid. If they add a catch-up dungeon system again I don’t think people will have an issue, especially if the phase lasts 3-4 months and not 5.

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the wow community is always weird like that , lotro , everquest have prog servers but the wow community is unique

Firelands is the most revered patch of Cataclysm. People barely returned for it. It’s all down hill from here. We’re on the decline of Classic now. They may as well let us copy over to retail at this point lol.

I think this is likely true. What does Classic progression have to offer that Retail doesn’t do better?

If you like the automation/QoL features, it’s so much better evolved in Retail, and if you don’t, Classic really has it nailed (as long as they don’t continue adding QoL “features”).

For me, the Inferno dungeons really solidified it for me: Classic Progression is for older people, growing less and less sociable who just want to slow down and play the game at their own pace without anyone telling them what to do.

In Retail, you can do that too, but it’s a lot more scalable either direction.

Classic seems to be for all the old heads who really don’t want/like change or really learning new stuff… yet some people really think that just their preference would be a good change to force on everybody.

Anyway, for me going forward, I’ll prob narrow my toons down to Retail and Era (I’ll check out the new anniversary realms probably or maybe end up saying hi to the community on Grobb).

These are the Classic forums right?


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they have stated in the roadmap that there was a new heroic + coming with phase 4.

Fresh will kill Cata. Numbers are already pretty low for Firelands.

It’s the final patch. It doesn’t need to survive. What does it even mean to survive when MoP is being released regardless of player count?

I could’ve told people a re-release of Dragon Soul wouldn’t be popular 12 years ago. It’s hardly a revelation.

yes Cata will survive, they already announced MoP Classic so people will stay just for that. also DS only has like 1 bad fight that everyone blows out of proportion to make it seem like the whole raid was terrible.

DS doesn’t matter its survival is guaranteed now that MoP is on the timeline

WoD will be the real test… I’ve never heard anyone ask for that.

WoD when? WoD is better then MoP. We want WoD. Now you have.

But back to the subject at hand. If blizz keeps there timeline up for DS launching in “winter” but MoP raids not launching till “autumn” that is a long content draught!!! We are going to have 3 months of pre patch to level and gear pandas?

According to blizzard we are looking at Feb- October/November thats what 8-9 months of Dragon :poop:

So much for blizzard keeping there promise of faster content.

Who cares?

Play it if you’ve having fun, stop playing it if you aren’t, stop worrying so much about the future of population numbers that aren’t your responsibility.

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Nice to meet the one guy that likes WoD…


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Lol WoD wasnt that bad Mythic HFC was fun prog i dont think people are going to like progging Mythic gorfiend,Mannorath or Xhul. Those fights where harder then M archie.

The folks who wanted that are playing retail still or retired. Classic ends with Wrath. Cata and MoP are cult favorites for private servers. But no one has a WoD private server either so…

I agree that Classic ended with Wrath. I don’t play retail and have completed WoD progression, which I have no desire to repeat. I would much prefer the launch of new progression servers without catch-up mechanics, simply re-releasing the content as it was originally.

The outcry over T11 raids not being actively run stems from one primary reason: the catch-up dungeons. In Vanilla and TBC, players ran all the raids to gear their alts, keeping the content vibrant. However, Blizzard seems to favor casual players who engage for 2-3 weeks, then leave, only to return in the next phase, while neglecting the dedicated player base that consistently plays.

I just started futzing around on the High Pop East Coast server and wow was Orgrimmar packed! It was pretty awesome. The war drums banging in the background as I roam the city packed with Horde all over. It was pretty awesome, indeed.