Will Blizzard turn Retail WoW in the direction of being an MMORPG again?

Oh… lot of people trying to say “this isn’t an MMO” cause apparently multiplayer stuff is 100% optional to play the game and… crossfires. sorry.

No problem, this thread has gone all over the place. Hard to track who is arguing about what.
I’m on the side of the fence that agrees WoW is a MMORPG.

No problem. Sorry to bug you about it

Really? We’re still pretending this?


Honestly this argument that LFD/LFR is the worst thing ever is absolutely absurd. I’m a primarily mythic raider who only really plays for the raid and I can’t imagine why anyone would get bent out of shape over them.

The gear is appropriately levelled, It lets people who wouldn’t otherwise see the content… see the content and gives them a taste of raiding(Obviously a very watered down one). LFR Might be a reason why people get into raiding, they crave the challenge and pushing themselves so they move into a guild.

The fact that Elaice doesn’t have a single raid ahead of the curve achievement or Cutting edge achievement makes me laugh. Doing normal content is basically on par with LFR, In fact: I’d argue that LFR is even more difficult than Normal because at least in normal a group is formed with people who are there who want to kill the content - Not just there because the dungeon journal said to go do it next.

Cmon Elaice, what you doing baby?

LFD and LFR are among the best things to happen to the game.

Great news, if you don’t want to do them, you don’t have to!

A lot of people still join guilds, which are like minded and do that stuff the old fashioned way. For those of us who can’t really do that, LFD and LFR made us stay subscribed.

More options are always a better thing.

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100% - Same argument applies to people who want to “remove pet battles”, just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it should be removed.

Yeah man, us boomers am i right? sips sugarfree monster.

I wish i had more time to play retail but luckily I can play a very slow version where the only difficult thing is levelling. Luckily I’ve done it all before and I’ve read all the wowhead articles on what the quickest way to do thing and the strongest things in the game.

Honestly I don’t even know how i have time to s-post on the forums when I’m having so much fun playing w/e.
Also yikes a level 37 calling someone a casual. EESH!

I don’t believe simply paying for the game, means one deserves to see Raid content. Time investment/skill should be relevant factors; if anyone can see raid content by simply logging in it lessens the time investment of other players. If everyone is super then no one is.

Well that is your opinion.

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Again, this is your opinion… one with which the developers and common sense disagree. But it does not make sense to spend a large part of your development budget on content only seen by a fraction of the players. In fact it is better to cut that content and redirect it to content and projects that appeals to the highest number of players.

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The simple notion that seeing the content is accessible to me does not seem problematic. The vast majority of games I would argue have multiple difficulties for this reason. So while paying for the game does not necessarily mean you deserve to see the end game content, you generally still have to play the game to get there, there really is no argument for it not being reasonably accessible either.

That said, I am all for and highly support achievement and unique rewards for higher difficulties. As I stated with other games, unlocking achievements, having special rewards such as unique outfits are common place upon beating a game on higher difficulties or pushing challenges.

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Oh no that’s all well and good. I like them putting in mounts and that rank 4 essence for mythic raids. All cosmetic, but sure as hell shows off “Hey, I’m actually better than you” Also making the gear look extra sparkly.

Right so there is still an underlying fact. The game has been losing subs consistently while it’s design has been bracketed with accessibility as it’s overarching theme. Pops in subs on expansion releases are consistently lost within two quarters and the trend line returns.

All you “I want to solo all content and get all epics” badsuals continue to drive the game south . As more and more gamers leave the system the game will continue to die on the vine while more ramps are built to help you terribads to succeed.
Classic is a lifeline for the game designers. You baddies are in quicksand and don’t even realize it.

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The ones who are saying WoW’s multiplayer content is optional are the ones saying Retail is as MMORPG-y as Vanilla was, not the ones splitting hairs and saying it’s not.

Saying I can get to level cap without group content, and always have in this game, does not mean I want to or intend to solo everything when it is current content. We don’t want your epics. We don’t want anything from you. The raider wannabes? The guys who whine about LFR all day long? They want your stuff. Go bug them.

And you cannot drive something south when you get completely ignored from Vanilla to Mists and actively punished from WoD to present. No, the game was broken for raiders by raiders.


Only if its shareholders want that. Blizzard will never be a Benefit corporation.

FYI - I feel the same way about raiding or PVP.
Same instance over and over farming loot?
Fighting the same classes over and over in the same areas?

At least with leveling, you have different paths, dungeons/zone, questing/grinding, different classes, different races, different factions…

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From a business standpoint I agree; cater to the largest population. Does this produce the best games? Now this is another question entirely. Companies like EA and Activision frequently cater to the largest group and that has led to shallow games filled to the brim with microtransactions.

I would argue catering to the largest population is the kiss of death when it comes to core gaming. Anything outside of facebook lives and dies by its niche.

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It would be better if people had to explore the world and meet each other. This goes for the built in GPS system as well. The fact that you run around with a GPS map that shows you where everything is cheapens any exploration and adventure you might have. IN D&D and various MUDS part of the fun has always been designing and plotting maps. If a DM just handed you an IPhone with everything plotted for you (treasure, mobs, locations, people, etc) that would have cheated you out of the real experience of playing.

WTF… huh?