Will Blizzard start to fix retail due to the success of Classic?

Some people prefer Classic, some prefer Retail. Both have flaws, one just came out (again), one has been here for more than a decade. I am glad people are enjoying Classic, but only when 3-4 months has passed (or 6 months for some) will we know how “well” it did. Not even a week out and some are declaring it a success already, which I find a to be silly.


Think they are going to do what they always do, Keep the current planned scheduled going on the game evolving & fix as much of the little stuff as they can in patches & fix big stuff in next expax.

Thats odd people keep saying servers are dead in BFA but every time i log in and play its 100% false :thinking:I even had zero problems doing the dungeon event looking for people on the Classic lauch day and after as well.

Not trying to make any “amazing” point. But you’re completely off the mark for why people play classic. I think classic is literally a better game than bfa. No nostalgia needed. I have never even played vanilla when it came out, started part way into bc, so my nostalgia should be placed in bc no?

I’ve also played current wow, bfa, retail, whatever you want to call it and it sucks. Plain and simple. Hell you probably think classic sucks, which is cool too, keep living the delusion.

Yeah, a lot of them did. It made grinding world content that much more bearable.

And I think BFA is objectively better in every way over Classic, and I think Classic is a messy dumpster fire, that only exists becasue Blizzard needed to stop private servers from popping up and using their IP without permission, and they wanted to make money off nostalgia ridden people.

There is no redeeming qualities to classic.

One thing I believe they should bring back is the old talent trees. Even the Legion artifacts (which were probably the best thing they’ve ever done since the first 3 expansions), were basically an end game talent tree.

Give us our baseline abilities back and develop a new progression system like the Legion artifacts. Or resurrect them and add more.

In order to combat the threat of the old God’s we need to reforge our artifacts with the help of the mages in Dalaran and the caverns of time or something.

I wonder how much of a dent this has made in private servers and how many people still play on them because they’re free.

I don’t think we need talent trees, but we do need more rows of talents.

Well with this being out, blizzard can now sue and close down the private servers, which I’m pretty sure was the entire point.

They didn’t want people playing their game for free.

Same can be said for bfa. See this can go all night. Let’s agree that you think classic sucks and your butt hurt about how popular it got and hope it dies. And I’m happy that classic is out now so I don’t have to deal with the garbage that is bfa. :blush:

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100% for sure it is.

I’m relatively certain Blizz doesn’t and won’t see the success of Classic as “unprecedented”.

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I’m not butt hurt at all that it’s “Popular” because it’s literally been less than a week.

It’s brand “new” to people and people are trying it out. If the numbers are still at the levels they are now after six months, then you can possibly argue it’s popular, but I simply don’t see it happening.

I literally don’t care about Classic, and I’m honestly just tired of people being classic fanboys and talking about how amazing the dumpster fire is, while trying to rag on Retail, for doing the exact same thing classic does.

You enjoy a messy dumpster fire? Sure, have at it, as long as it doens’t effect my game, I don’t give a toss.


Nope. It made you the reason the Forts went down in Alterac and why your teammates blacklist you from World PVP raids.

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Exactly. I mean, look at Fallout 76. That was a bonfire and deemed a failure by the community at large.

Look at Anthem … what can’t be said about how it played out. “Ten year plan” more like “ten month plan”.

A few days of high numbers doesn’t automatically make it a success.

Now, that said, there ARE lessons Blizzard SHOULD take from Classic. But its not because it has become an overnight commercial success (no such thing), but because they were good ideas that instead of refining, they simply scrapped.

Everyone remember how ‘successful’ WoD was right at the start?

How did that work out lol?


Was it multiday queues successful?

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Wait what? I think you need to try classic, retail does not in anyway do what classic does. The games are polar opposites, try out classic then report back on how retail does exactly what classic does


I will not return to that hellhole, the game has progressed, and I am not backtracking 15 years to a point in which I don’t consider wow a fun game.

Both games has an amazing number of parallels, that people simply pretend don’t exist because they want to lavish vanilla with praise while deriding BFA.

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