Will Blizzard have the spine to control server balance in SoM?

or will they let it go to complete hell like they did with Classic/TBCC?

I really wish these devs had the cones to put limits on servers to control balance.

Any dev with the “tough shit” approach to game management is a keeper in my book.


I hope they do… I mean they have already shown someone is working on stuff over there. I hope this is part of the whole new plan.

they will force-convert players as needed to maintain the Azerothian Utpia we all deserve.

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Honestly they could just replace “High” on the server list with “Near horde capacity” or “Near alliance capacity” and warn players that when capacity is reached, that’s it for that faction.

But I suspect they’ll use the same excuse they used to justify level 58 boosts in TBC.


So, would the OP be willing to let Blizzard force-change his toons to the other faction in the interest of balance? If not, what do you suggest that they do?

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Restrictions on character creation and server transfers.

They currently let you transfer anywhere you want, even if the destination is completely screwed up balance-wise. What drives that? Greed.

Also hello again Eaglesgift, with whom I shared a server in original Vanilla. Nice to see you back again. I won’t identify myself but I know you! Crazy PVP mage! Unless it’s not you? You were a male back then, with a pony tail if I recall.

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of course not
the only hope is that they release a very small number of servers, so the balance has a chance of working out on its own
if they release 10+ servers, there will be trouble

I’m a little curious which faction will be the dominant one. In Classic and TBC especially it seems to be Horde. Yet a highly scientific poll from 5000 people over at Reddit about SoM has Alliance at 63% and Horde at 37%. Seems like SoM being designed for the ultra hardcore elitist tryhard sweaty raider playerbase really leans towards Alliance.

What server type will you play?

Server balance isn’t an issue.

Players who talk about this topic don’t even understand why servers got so lopsided in classic 2019. So, I’ll tell you. Before classic came out, all the youtubers, streamers, and forum people were telling everyone that the authentic vanilla experience was to play on pvp realms. And people listened.

The reality is most players hate pvp servers and world pvp. SO when they released ranked pvp into the game it became very clear that the game would be unplayable and unfun. So what happened is players quit playing completely, or they transferred to a more favorable server for their faction.

This same problem won’t happen in SOM because nobody is going to play SOM to begin with. They’ll probably have 3-4 servers types max.

The problem is that even if they restrict new arrivals from the majority faction, it doesn’t prevent the minority faction from leaving (quitting or re-rolling if they can’t transfer). Generally whenever a server went from slightly bad to terrible balance in classic it was from people leaving.

Also if there is an overall imbalance in the number of chars. of each faction who want to play on a PVP server, that sets a limit on how well you can balance each server.

Not to mention how the system could be gamed by creating low-level toons of the opposite faction on alt accounts, like they used to do to expand the ranking pool.

Buffs or rewards to the minority faction (like they did for TBCC BGs) could do more to prevent attrition, but that seems a bit far from the spirit of classic.

I wouldnt mind a server character creation lock once the balance shifts beyond 60/40. If you miss the boat and didnt get to create a character with ur friends. Oh, well… make new ones.

And yes, I hope they only release a couple of servers to begin with.

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PvP players complaining about PvP problems. Just LOL

This is why PvE servers are for the chad/chadettes/chadothers

Let’s get this Spinach :leaves:

Honestly, this will just make more Horde players choose the “Near horde Capacity” option.

People want to play on the most populated servers of their faction types.

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Servers are going to be 75%+ alliance.

So all the whiney alliance will be nice and happy this time.

PvE servers are for people who never want to clear content or take forever to do so. The casualness and lower skill of pve servers is staggering. Take tbc so far…

Mankrik PvE 41 10/10 9.2k players
Pagle PvE 43 10/10 8.5k players
Westfall PvE 23 10/10 5k players…

Earthfury PvP 39 10/10 3.7k players
Herod 57 10/10 5k players

So if you wanna actually kill rag before bwl comes out, id suggest playing on a pvp server. IMO

I’m not following…Your stats show that PvE players are still clearing content; and there’s far more players doing so.

Why would I play on a PvP server when everyone cries about imbalances and ganking? Sounds masochistic.

Let’s get this Spinach :leaves:

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Can you do math of number of players per kill?

Servers double the size with half the clears. And this is 8 weeks into the content.

Shoulda seen these figures after 3 weeks.

SoM is limited weeks to get rag / Nef loot. I don’t have 3 months to prog MC. Ya boy needs onslaught to drop week 1.

Yeah, this guy seems a little spastic.

I think what hes trying to do is drum up more people to play on the PvP servers.

If everything repeats itself… and horde are the majority by a mile. I would suggest for any serious alliance player to play on PvE server. If open world pvp is what you want… there wont be any in SOM if pvp servers turn into 80% of one faction. So, might as well play on a PvE server and still bg to ur hearts content.