Will Blizzard ever do something about cheats / hacking / terms of service violations?


Level 3 rogue just simply flying through the ground…seems normal.

Why is blizzard continually allowing people to cheat in this game?


they rather ninja nerf things rather than FIX issues with competing against bots to farm. Human vs bots. Bots will surely win. Thanks blizzard.

Where the hell is Warden or any GMs? You used to be able to report this stuff to a GM and they’d go find the character doing it and confirm it and ban them on the spot, assuming Warden didn’t shut then down first.

Idk Blizzard doesn’t care anymore.


Warden is Spyware. No thanks. Just have GMs.

Prolly these days it would be some weird rootkit DRM crap, yeah. Back in the pre-acquisition days (can anyone else remember back that far?) It kept to it’s business.

All things point to Blizzard intentionally allowing it due to hundreds of thousands if bit accounts.


Don’t worry they are doing their best and accidentally banning whole guilds of players who did nothing bannable in the process. Competence is hard ok

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Depends on the tools you have to work with. On retail when mage still had Alter Time by default I kited a big zerg of bots off the cliff in AB to their death. They would simply zugzug in a big circle and it was very obvious that it was a bot squad, they had instant kick response, and the CC timing was near flawless on the old HB bot train.

The thing that humans do is think, and the only way you can handle bots is by actually thinking about how to handle them because you cannot defeat them in a head to head.

That sort of Asymmetrical combat is what players, typically warriors, DK’s, and Paladins get so mad at and cuss and swear you out after arena when they get defeated by trickery. Their anger is truly unhinged, and it brings me a sort of joy that keeps me coming back. This is why TBC’s arena is calling me in, and ill skip Shadow Lands because it has ZERO to offer me over TBC’s arena.

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Hacked and botter accounts are, at the end of the day, still paying accounts. Activision/Blizzard normally only reacts when its revenue is threatened in some way. If these accounts could be tied to revenue being generated outside of the game, then I am sure they would be all over them.

I always have to laugh when Activision/Blizzard, a company that reports an almost two billion dollar profit margin, claims it does not have the resources to track down those who hack and/or bot their games. I am guessing they have not heard of these new tools in I.T. called automation?

I know it would never happen, but if someone showed up with a resume from Activision/Blizzard stating they had worked in I.T. security for that company, I would have to laugh them out of my office. :smiley:


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Cost cutting measures and layoffs maybe?

It’s unfortunate that I need to keep linking this, but misinformation is at an all time high here:

More recent layoffs did not impact Blizzard’s CS team. This information is publicly available, and it’s a shame that “journalists” that propagate misinformation don’t put any effort into their “profession.”

Blizzard replybot at it again. If you think accounting has no say in how this situation is being handled you have a horrendously skewed perception of how c a p i t a l i s m works.

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Oh yes, Blizzard has the very large team devoted entirely to fighting botting, and they file multi million dollar lawsuits because they want bots in their games.

Conspiracy theories are also at an all time high here and in life in general. It’s really sad.

They obviously want bots because at the very least if they didn’t they wouldn’t be just sitting there with their LUA cracked.

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I’ve never seen any of these “LUA” bots. I’ve never seen a flying bot, but I’ve seen the videos. I go on the servers and yes, every once in awhile I see a level 4 or something in Silithus and assume they’re doing that little hopping underground thing the videos have shown.

Are you really going to sit there and pretend that Blizzard is allowing this to happen for the “revenue” they bring in from the 10 flying bots that may be on a server at any given time? How far are you going to take this conspiracy theory?

You think those bots are paying a legitimate sub? You think those bots outweigh the number of people quitting because they can’t handle it anymore? You think Blizzard’s doing it for the awful PR they’ve been getting recently?

Come on, man.

Confirmed Blizzard mouthpiece.


So am I ever going to get a blue post here? What gives?

You can say one thing, but the active impact on the game and whether bots get handled and dealt with swiftly is what really matters. What is seen in the video is an obvious hack/cheat/whatever and it should not take very long for a GM to investigate and take action against that account whether it is reported or not.

It is not irrational to think that something like that could be easily taken care of by a human GM within minutes of investigating the reported incident and they should have safeguards in place to automatically detect these sorts of things EASILY. The fact that the same players and botters continue to openly and brazenly cheat and hack in the game clearly shows that Blizzard has a lack of GMs and actual humans to investigate these things.

Blizzard is clearly inadequately and under staffing the department that does take care of them. I commend the GMs that actually do investigate and handle these cases, but at the moment it really just doesn’t seem like it is doing enough.

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The rampant botting is a massive part of why I am done with WoW after Classic is over. I’m not interested in Botting Crusade or watching Shadowlands get screwed by the botting that we saw plague BfA from start to finish. Blizzard’s non-effort of combating it on retail is very evident.

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you aint going to get a blue post for one. you are right about them ignoring this issue. more cash in their accounts. 2 if they did reply here it’s a trap and they know they have no leg to stand on, its better to be silent then to stand on a boX of lies.

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