Will Blizzard accept Bitcoin soon

Hello all
Twitch Official accept Bitcoin and i fell blizzard need to follow the future internet money.

What u guys think about the Technologie for future onnline games like payments ? cause the real money will vanish soon or later into crypto blockchain


I think people are idiots for accepting an unregulated currency that isn’t backed by anything and is totally unregulated.


With how volatile bitcoin is, I can’t see anybody ever using it as a legitimate currency unless they’re hiding a trail.


how much is a bitcoin worth, do you want to buy decades worth of time or something?


i agree to many alt coins but i talk about Btc and since day one i follow this guy here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aILeOqZEwY&pbjreload=10

As opposed to just paying 15 dollars? I don’t understand why you have to complicate things.


Blizz accept rral money not fake imgimary money. “I got 3 millions fools to b3lieve this is 15 bucks. Let hope the company fall for it too.”


Like fiat currency? :rofl:


I don’t know about Blizzard, but as for me, I’m going to accept BitCoin-- or any other alt currency-- the day that the IRS does.

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That still exists?

It isn’t legit, so you won’t see legit companies accepting it.

Yes, I did read that you said Twitch accepts it.

Sorry but bitcoin isn’t fake money. Try again though

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I also have Smile Stamps and FunBucks. Perhaps they would take those, as well?


Hopefully not. Cryptocurrencies need to die and fade into history. They only serve to raise prices on computer equipment and create shortages. I find their existence to be unacceptable.


What kind of processing fee does Twitch pay for Bitcoin transactions? Anyone know?

Blizzard doesn’t even accept their OWN Monopoly Money for sub payments.

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Blizzard doesn’t accept gold bullion either.

They don’t even accept their own currency for certain mount promotions, what makes you think they’ll accept Bitcoin? :joy:

Bitcoins the druglords currency of choice. Lots of crime and payment to henchmen in the form of btc now days. Its all over the news.

All i can say is id never take a volatile stock as a payment over guaranteed cash.

People treat bitcoin like it’s a convenience like PayPal. But it ain’t. It’s a virtual currency with ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY BEHIND IT. It’s only a matter of time before it crashes. I strongly advise people to have as little to do with it as possible.