Will Blizzard accept Bitcoin soon

As someone who understands very little about bitcoin; sure, if it opens up more access to players I guess? But I also don’t really see it happening if they won’t let you pay with paypal balance if you don’t have a credit card on file.

^^ this
The credit card with paypal allows it to have a ‘backing’ by a major financial institution. Bit Coin does not, and will never, have that which is why no company should take it as payment.

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Yeah, good thing USD is backed by gold right?

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USD and other international currencies are ‘backed’ by the credit of the country the money is from (usually based on their economy).

That’s cool, but BTC can’t be duplicated by the privately owned Federal Reserve.

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They commented on this a while back and they have no plans to support the “online currencies”. Just sell some bitcoin and get a paypal credit account. Then you can fund your game time thru bitcoin but they don’t intend to take it directly because then they have to deal with selling it and the price fluxations that come with it.

Why would Blizzard subject themselves to a currency that has a tendency to have wild fluctuation when it comes to value?


I’ve never understood how so many people got caught up in fake digital money to the point that they actually believe it is legitimate currency, and I never will understand it.


Bitcoin has a promising future as a legitimate currency, but until the price actually stabilizes, no one is going to use it except for dark web illegal purchases.


Reading these comments. All of these ppl who are poo-pooing crypto obviously have no clue. Elon Musk just bought $1.5 billion worth. Paypal accepts it, Cashapp accepts it as well as many other legitimate enterprise-level businesses.
Ppl who knee-jerk reply like this just don’t want to bother with the little details. I’m making a killing off of it and use it in legit many places.

two years later and crypto is exploding. Funny to see how folks immediately get scared when something new comes around calling everyone else idiots. haha. This is a great question and I fully support crypto going forward for Blizz and others!

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lol a study can find any result they want if they got a bias against it.

I like China’s social credit system i think it will make society a better place for us all to live in when we start monitoring everyones social behavior and penalize people through controlled currency.

Is that like a Schrute Buck and a Stanley Nickle? askin for a friend lol

They were sold the dream that they sleep in.

Fiat is both regulated and backed though.

you wanna use drug money to pay for your sub lol?

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Blizzard should just cut out the middle man and let us pay in drugs.

The only important thing about this topic that has been missed up to this post is the fact that Dogecoin has not been mentioned. Get it together GD posters…much bewilerderment, so left out.

2 years later…

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