Will blizz start banning people for racism and sexual harassment then?

Is that because you NEVER misspelled ANYTHING? Do NOT even question my knowledge of history, especially ancient history. You’re also most likely a jerk in RL, and are muted now. Good day.

There IS a problem with sexual/racist comments in the game. It’s not even just coming out of the mouths of the players, it’s the player names as well. And if Blizzard provided these bans, it would go against their business model to make money. Since it’s going to affect their bottom line, they’re always going to do what’s profitable, not right.

Unfortunately, our world has always put the almighty dollar before everything else instead of what’s right.

Favorite Quote by Albert Einstein:

"What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.”

Imagine if we could live by that once in a while. What a better world we could enjoy (even in WoW)!

Would I ban people breaking the rules in chat? Heck yeah! I’d love to have the power to just ban people at will are you crazy?

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A lot of people would take that job. How many gamers working retail or fast food would change jobs in a second to work for blizzard in any capacity?

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no one in the history of ever on the internet has ever told a lie, not once, preach sister

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This right here is what I was waiting for in this thread to put it into context. The person who was commenting towards you was giving legitimate answers, yet you came back with that passive aggressive / assumption on a person who’s intelligence you have no idea about. I do believe there is legitimate offences made which blizzard does act on, I’ve seen it first hand for very deserving people.

The question I’m going to ask is, what did YOU do to provoke the situation given your previous comment to that other post that was unwarranted. There is two sides to every story and if blizzard has not acted then there is a reason for it.


It is on the rise though, thanks to what you are describing.

Is this the #Me too movement thread? Sure seems like alot of victims on these forums anymore.

Wow, more right-wingers infesting the thread with garbage. Let it die, I say.

It certainly deserves to die. It probably should have been moderated out of existence about four weeks ago.

Think about what you’re saying. Essentially you’re appealing to a higher authority to do that which you lack the courage to do; prove a bad idea wrong. I don’t think censorships the answer for anything. I do however think open forums & public debate to be a good thing & for society to reward good behavior & to punish bad behavior; unfortunately this does not happen & hell has to be endured at times. When you go looking for things in particular one tends to discover them in abundance.

I’ll leave this thread with some words of wisdom.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ~Friedrich W. Nietzsche

I wanted to add this song to convey my ideas of where censorship leads…

Personally I never see racist, sexist or misogynist comments in chat, but than again I stay out of trade chat so I don’t see all the crap that goes on. I basically stopped with those channels when the anal talk started, it was a hot mess even back than.