Will blizz start banning people for racism and sexual harassment then?

That applies to both sides of the argument equally. Some people are just too easily offended.

The reason why I said you were not being is honest is you only were looking at people talking about wanting proof while ignoring some of the same people trying to put blame about the situation at the OPs feet. The dishonesty in my opinion is about claiming to want to have honest discourse while ignoring the inconvenient parts. You also are ignoring the fact that I do agree with people wanting proof and not just blinding following someone’s claim. If you had read my whole post maybe you would have gotten that.

I hope not. Especially due to the ever shifting change in what so many groups consider is “racist” or “sexual harassment”. The goal posts are shifting so much all of the time, IMO it’s best to do what Blizzard is doing right now. If you type certain words in chat, your entire message is auto deleted. If you get reported enough, your account is silenced. It’s good enough, getting overbearing about harassment claims would backfire IMO.

Ah so this was in a community thing, much like Private/player created chat channels they don’t really seem to care to moderate those at all. Just another chunk of game chat they completely neglect to even look at even when you report, because of some weird policy they have I guess.

Same thing happens with RP addons and they very rarely action those.

I don’t know, Moon Guard trade is… something to behold at times. There’s tons of people there every day that could earn a silence, or worse.

I’ve always hated this line of thinking, honestly. It’s just like the whole ‘you fight back it’s just as bad’ and is usually just used to not take action against the aggressor when the issue wasn’t handled when brought up previous times.

Pretty much, if they’re just targetting one person it’s unlikely they get hit with anything because 1 report doesn’t particularly do anything. Too many ‘one report’ ticket queues or whatever so they start from the higher amounts and I imagine never get through the 1 report ticket queue for that stuff or just hit the ‘dump’ button.

There was a lot more to it than that, that can’t really be linked. But it was justified, those were not the only comments made.

In retail only, as far as I know. It’s sad to think Classic has even less tools to deal with these issues, which is where one of the earlier stories in this thread comes from.

It does have the quote, “Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB” however.

First, that’s for legal court not the court of public opinion and for an online game. Two, no one was specifically named so who do you think that’s going to apply to?

Yes, you’re supposed to believe someone that comes out with such a story until you have reason to believe otherwise especially when NO ONE is harmed for you believing it.


My first comment in this entire thread was a statement about how the reporting system has been automated. But thank you for proving my following assertions correct.

You are quite incorrect. The only thing automated is the SQUELCH. This was covered yet again, today, in the CS forum. What Is Blizzard's Policy Re: Mass-Report Exploit Used As Threat? - #3 by Mirasol-mannoroth

You can NOT get an automated Silence or Ban.

To deal with gold spammers there was an auto SQUELCH function put into the game long ago and it still exists. If enough reports are filed in a short time from unique Bnet accounts, it can result in a squelch until a GM can review it. Blizzard has never said how many reports it takes for that to happen. Nobody likes gold spammers, or spammers in general.

The actual punishments that are applied to accounts are not automated at all. Those are handled by a GM who reviews the logs attached to the report/s.

A Silence usually starts at 24 hours, but each time it is applied to the account it doubles. That removes a person from social functions and group abilities.

A Suspension can also be applied to remove a person from game for a while if the conduct is egregious enough or repeated enough.

A permanent Ban can also occur after enough infractions/bad enough conduct.

Those are all applied by a real person though, not an automated system. Asking guild mates or followers to “report so and so” can end up with a suspension for the people abusing the system.

It did receive a Forum Support Agent reply.


So this would mean that the OP’s initial assertion is also incorrect, therefor we shouldn’t be taking her anecdotes at face value?

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The only ‘difference’ from a squelch and a silence is one is automated and one is manual, but it’s still the same ‘result’. I’ve been on the receiving end of Squelches from angry parties and most of the time they end up expiring before you get a ticket response, or up to the GMs every whim.

I have no idea about the details in the OPs post. I did address the systems in place to deal with Ongoing Harassment and linked those for the OP, as well as provided info on where to get further assistance with policy and support info.

None of us have access to the logs backing anything - so I don’t tend to address individual anecdotes. Just the general systems in place and how they work.

Yes and no. A Silence is a black mark on the account that is permanent. Each additional Silence stacks with the first ones to double the duration each time. If someone were falsely reported they would want to appeal to get that mark removed.

Squelch, from my understanding, does not leave a permanent mark on the account that stacks.

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nods Oddly enough this is exactly what many of the posts which have been removed were saying, and were called “gross” and being accused of victim-blaming.

I do apologize though for my incorrect information in my initial response to this thread, since it was also a biased and emotional response in which I initially wanted to believe the OP was a victim.


I think that was changed a couple years ago, or perhaps it works differently with Classic reports. Seen stacking automated squelches, that didn’t even give the reported lines of text in the e-mail. I think if you don’t win the ‘appeal’ even on those it sticks. Though the response to most ‘appeals’ if the GM’s answer it afterwards is “The action has already expired.” and it’s hard to get a GM to actually read your ticket and respond to that.

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…I am so confused. Who does not know that the silence feature has been automated and how being silenced is triggered? And why are we talking about this instead of the point of my post?

The thread derailed into a lot of finger pointing and social policy discussions instead of focusing on the resources available to the OP.

I suspect that had a bit to do with it.

If my new neighbor asked for directions to the Police station, Hospital, etc - I would not make them prove they had an issue. I would just make sure they had the information they needed. The rest is up to them to sort out with the proper professional parties.

All the requests for detailed info were not really relevant, and would have gotten a person forum actioned for posting.


Please see above with links to the CS forum discussion on this from today. You are mixing up Squelch with the actual GM penalty applied Silence.

I’m sorry to hear that.

I’m a male who has only played female characters, since 2004, and have never had that happen a single time in any of these video games.

I’m always cool and assume everyone on the Internet is not a “sex.” So I treat all characters equally. Statistically, more so in 2004, I also assume most female “characters” are played by males.

I never say that I am a real life female, nor do I deny being one; I just act like it isn’t anyone’s business. I think of it the same as if someone asked me if I was “really a Gnome Death Knight?”


Well, looks like they still missed some of it.

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One of my issues Ixenn, is that the person who kept sexually harassing me, added me to their friend’s list. So even though I blocked them, they could still see when I logged on, where I was in-game, and what I was doing, leading them to stalk me. Got any suggestions for that?

You don’t know if there’s a victim without proof


There are degrees to harassment, and perhaps what you consider harassment doesn’t meet the standard? As a female, I’ve been harassed a handful of times, and I’ve witnessed harassment. Each and every time, Blizzard has dealt with it.

Here are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Do a self-check to see if you’re being overly sensitive to comments - ask someone you can trust to tell you the truth if what they think of the comments being made.

  2. I’m assuming when you’re talking community, you mean the blizzard community feature, not something like discord (blizzard won’t do anything if it is an external community board). Clean house by either deleting the community, or by getting rid of all but the people you know. Then either only invite people you know will be good members, or check the armory of people before you invite them (you can use pet battle slots as a way to see if people are on alts).

  3. Create specific rules for your community and have a team that monitors and take actions against people who violate the rules.

  4. Always take screenshots of people who are harassing you so that you have evidence to show Blizzard.


I don’t know. I just don’t find it normal to interrogate people who claim to be bullied. Not believing is one thing, but interrogating is another.

If they’re being racist or sexist, they will be suspended or banned since it breaks the terms or conditions. I never said they don’t investigate the case first.

And I’m glad they tell us now! :heart: