Wildhammers can be Druids

Do you think Dwarf druids would be like this?

Or more like this?

Kung Fu fighting bear or grumpy bears with alcholism problems and pints of beer and a beer flask to drink out of, at all times, just like a four legged pandaren on all fours… or are pandaren brewmaster monks what happened to the first dwarven alcoholic to get druid forms???

Dwarves can Druids in DnD so not sure why there’s people who think it’s a problem :slight_smile:

If Blood Elves could be playable as Druids, they’d end up making up 99% of all Horde Druids.

Let’s not go there…


I personally don’t see a problem if 99% of Druids are blood elves, it changes no gameplay whatsoever on me, why not let people play what they like.

but imagine all the lovely blood elf druid hides we could turn into furniture upholstery and throws. Let’s go there! I want a belf druidhide couch! It’d be much softer than my belf paladinhide one!

But it will upset my beloved Lor’themar :cry:

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He’s a Farstrider at heart. Surely he can learn to stop worrying about the quarry and love the hunt :sunglasses:


well you see the cows never really took off it seems.

Ztroll has its moments but…enters the question of how many want to RP dinosaurs. I plan on this. Once my z troll shaman unlocks armour I will race change 1 of my 2 120 NE druids. I don’t need 3 of them is why the twisty path to them. 1 dedicated feral, 1 balance…and I am good.

And as one of the longest living races in azeroth its odd this is something they never learned. When they have learned just about everything else.

Hell they even made up a strong paladin core from a bunch of strung out mana addicts even.