Yeah boy, thats me sup lol
My Boy Bakus!
Sup boys
The old pvp team is coming back together, this time on alliance / Fairbanks
Someone track down Fordred to make this reunion official.
Searching for Kannon
I was Araj - UD mage, and Nikoro - Tauren War in Pande/Neoauld/BBZ
I kept up with a few people from those days. Used to pvp in <Don’t Fight on the Roads> with Marcu/Fordred/Bell/Convert and on a pretty successful 5v5 arena team called Conquered with Glorin/Joebo/Bladehunter/Wambulance
yeah and me on a priest called “ManaBanana” you jerk!
Whats up Araj, good to hear from you!
haha I couldn’t remember all the alt names what’s up man
Not much man, just waiting on some Classic, and chilling.
Blade, Bell, and Marcu are over on Discord as well.
sounds awesome, hit me with the disc info and I’m there
Neown#1445 add me
We’re looking forward to hearing from you, Rick and Emidan if he’s still around and still emo. Add me and I’ll invite you to our discord
I propose we all go to blaumeaux so we can actually play…wildhammer was low to medium pop before and our community was SOLID
Buehler - Mage - deep fire dps
Iofthetiger - Druid - heals
Played with the guild Creeping Doom (lead by a mage named Poli)
Havnt played in years. Look forward to getting back into it
Seduction/seduxtion… 60 undead mage ( whendarknessfalls) guild i think it was then went to some guy named induins guild i think i ran a MC raid with pandemonium 1 or 2 times i remember all the guild names but no names of people in the guilds its been wayyy too long, think i might actually roll a warrior this go round
I remember… i was in Shake n Bake. Lmao! I played a Tauren Shaman named Moobaka. We would split the raid 20/20 half Neo/Shake n Bake. We brought our best raiders and officers to gear up while you guys cleared it for us. Neo got all T2 drops and any legendary pieces for Thunderfury and the Mace. lol that was the arrangement.
Flipmode - UD Rogue Hording School. I see lots of people I remember on here.
I mean yeah… it was Dawn of Wolves in Classic… changed to mono in BC…
oh man… this name is familiar to me… I played in creeping doom for awhile too… Aelinn - warlock