Warrior looking for some long lost windfury!
Sounds like the video never existed to me!
There’s a name from the past, whats happening man? Hit me up if you ever find a Glorin, lost track of him too many years ago.
JOEBO THE MAN!!! I got your friend request dude! I was shocked to see that pop up today! we had some good times back in the day! been too long! Hopefully you are wanting to Join our guild over on Whitemane! We rocking a ton of BBZ already.
Whoa buddy. If this is who I think it is, I used to play a troll rogue named Kyropractor. I think we made some lvl 19 twink warriors named Crushface and Smashface, I have no idea why I remember this. A little afternoon delight singing while playing WSG, the good ol days.
Well well well, I remember Logz! I lived with Rawkor and Adsun for a while, definitely remember Sneakystab and Stuppy. I think I played a paladin named Heables? I was such a turd then.
I don’t know why I remember so much about this damn game. I used to play a troll rogue named Kyropractor. Boy was I a piece of work back then. Nysis, Khadiya, Cadderly, K-nut, Joebo, Rawkor, Adsun, Sweetz, Chucknasty, Scketch, Tao, so many old names! I’m planning on going Pagle with my brother and a few friends.
These names giving me nostalgia. Player since vanilla but mostly played during WOTLK.
Orc Warrior - Cemul
actually found a Discord he logs on ever now and than apparently…Been waiting for him to log on for over 2 weeks now.
Some of the guys there told me he lives at work now a days. Havent really spoken to him for quite some time
So funny story I was just telling my buddy (Sotesko), we were both in Toast and we both play on Area 52 lmao. but that guild is a total zergfest
My friends and I are coming back. Darkspider (shaman) Luciphor (mage) and I was Gtnogme (lock) Izhe (druid). Think I was in Vengeance of the Fallen and Fatal. Can’t really remember the names.
Bnet wasn’t around back then and would like to find Dusan (spriest) Etan (warrior) Angrybeaver (shaman) Tampry (rogue)
Stop it. HI!
Twyll - Troll Priest looks like there’s quite a few familiar names in here.
Bakus - Orc warrior - Terror Australis, Conquered, Hording School.
So many names from the past, amazing to see how many people still play or are at least coming back for the re-release.
Hopefully it lives up to our memories cos the game has been crap for so long now. More then likely will be playing on oce realms but since my work is rostered will probably have a us based toon also so may see some of you about.
Wow there’s a name I forgot! Didn’t we have countless duels outside Orgrimmar? Mostly I think during Wrath
Yeah hahaha. I spent so much time in Durotar dueling, was probably me. Was your name Tactics then?
Yes sir, Tactics I think was a female orc hunter back then. I think you and Grimise were the two warriors that I would constantly duel. I LIVED in Durotar. Good times good times! Planning on playing Alliance this time around on Pagle with a few friends. Good seeing a familiar face bud!
Was such a long time ago hahahhaa. Grimise was my sensei he was a beast. Glad to speak to one of my Durotar buddies from 10 yrs ago. Have fun in Classic and thanks for reaching out ^^.
Neownt, like the undead mage?.. used to wall walk all over the place? lol my memory is terrible
Ok, just kidding. I think his name was…Skarl? Skarn? s*&#, I’m getting old.