Wildhammer Horde Reconnections

GLORIN omg! I remember him that is who i used to play with a ton. Wow he still plays??

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I remember noheal, great priest, and Gat, hell of a tank if I remember the same guy.

jgump7, my battlenet ID, I think we are rolling Thalnos as first choice, since the streamers have posted they are not going there for sure.

Most of them dont play anymore. But I still play live!! hit me up on my btag! Shaynah#11554

I feel bad cuz I remember Brutalmanta and Krist… but not Boreface :-/

Sup homie it’s me Freon. I found Redux on youtube cos he posted some BWL videos. Stoked to run into some of the old gang!

I played an orc shaman Legionus and an orc warrior bucsplaya mainly endgamed in WOTLK with retaliation/synergized. I remember playing with a hunter Viathin

Yo man! Same here. Everyone is coming out of the woodwork.

Oh i def remember nohealforyou and procyon

I think we might do Whitemane or Fairbank, whichever does not have streamers. All the South Americans are going to Thalnos.

Gat said he might roll alliance. I ran into him and Vivic on Reddit.

I’m planning to roll horde Faerlina if it isn’t the streaming server.

Ahh i remember vivic too. Anyone remember Thabatman


Anyone heard from the Aussie Longisland or Pinacolada (sp) or any more of the old banhammer guys?

Omen here, Orc Warlock.

I remember some names here like Redux, Nihs (if this is Nas/Naz). Wonder if guys like Ez (SP), Glorin (Shaman), Vampyr (Alli Warr) still play. Also remember guys like Rathorse (Warr)/Sazbawt (Shaman) during the R14 grinds, Tacitus for being the fastest leveler before Joanna came around, and that rogue that sat in BGs literally all day farming HKs… what was his name?

I’m here too. Playing Alliance on probably Faerlina with a small group of Wildhammer refugees.

Oprahwinfury - Neoauld


Everyone: Feel free to add me on Battlenet:

I’ve also created a Group on Battlenet for Wildhammer players:


Oh, how could I forget the OG Oprahwinfury!

Haha nice. Im like WHERE’S Losec and Khavi and Knutty and Durandal and Leaky and Jroc and Monotone and Alphadog and Picky and Garakarr and Karnage AT?!?

I’m pretty sure leaky and durandal still play. I haven’t had any contact with them though.

Faerlina is supposedly latin america and spanish speaking centric players. I hope they release more server names soon.