Well, we need to get together when classic drops. I have 2 good RL friends, and 2 cousins that plan on playing. My cousins will be bringing 3 more people. So, we’ll have some numbers if you guys want.
Oh my, good ole terminus. I still remember him getting the fist weap set from MC, he was goofy as all get out back then.
Yea I got 3 RL friends coming, plus several more from west coast and east coast. Still waiting on server names. I think we all are leaning back to pvp, just alot more casual this time around. Most of us allhave wives and kids, and want to keep it that way
I’m rolling UD priest this time, name tbd. post on here what server you plan on, maybe we will see each other, note: my group is looking to avoid heavy duty streamers
Ohh snap, what’s up! ( this is Jimmbo, troll mage from Dow/monolithic). I was hoping I’d see someone from back in the day! Have you heard from anyone else?
My friends and I are gonna roll on a PvP server avoiding streamers as well. Come hit me up on Discord and we can try to figure out a server together. Discord - tMy7HsK
Shaynah you remember me(Boreface) Krist and Brutalmanta??
I remember you guys, (Jimmbo)
Thius from pvp guild (Conquered) Also teamed up with Vorak and Obscenitor, Clunker, Wambulance…where u guys at?
Boreface? Why does that sound familiar and wambulance? I’m trying to find some old guys from Banana Boyz. Was this the right realm the GM was undeadhead the undead warrior?
I can’t recall what realm I played on with Banana Boyz but this is all starting to sound familiar…
This is Cromak, orc warrior was the MT for quite awhile…
Darthcraven here aka purgeatory, Nice to see the boyz back in action
Holycow from the guilds Wolfpack, Saga and Soviet Murloc.
Did an average amount of raiding and above average amount of PvP. @me if you remember any of these guilds or anyone from them.
Yep, there are a handful that have contacted me. I don’t currently play, but will be doing Classic as time allows. Going to try to coordinate server to get as many of the Wildhammer crew together.
Woo Jimmbo redux I remember you and Cromak the Op MT and yeah undeadhead was running it. Hit me up on discord if anyone wants to collaborate where to play Boreface#0102
Yooo this is brutalmanta’s brother haha sup bud
Is there a consensus yet on what server? Has anyone talked to Glorin?
Banana Boyz came here and merged with Neoauld I think honestly cant remember but Cromak was on this server
I was Cromak, i may have quit before that happened i dont recall it but it was so long ago.
I’ve got several RL friends that are gonna play. Rolling alliance this time tho. I think we’re just gonna follow the streamers for high pop server.
Who’s gonna play? Would be interested to see Losec, Khavi, Gat, Nohealforyou, Procyon, Wrack, etc roll in here.
Was logged in wrong, anyways I was cromak I don’t recall everyone I played with but damn it was some of the best wow memories i had.
Boreface, a guild I’ve been part of for a long time, although i quit BFA in December and haven’t played since we are forming a classic guild on whitemane pvp server…