Wildhammer Dwarves are Possible

Besides a dark iron i would love to play a wildhammer dwarf .I'm not much of a drinker ,drinking doesn't affect me,but those wildhammers are fun.
11/09/2018 07:42 AMPosted by Torghen
Cut to the chase — Dwarves should just have their own forum.

I like this idea

11/09/2018 07:42 AMPosted by Tovi
I would love to have five dwarf races playable. You guys are the coolest Alliance race by far. But! For now, I just want Blizzard to complete the Council of Three Hammers.

One thing at a time!

I'd love to see the Council of Three Hammers completed as well. Earthen and Frostborne can come later

11/09/2018 07:47 AMPosted by Tovi
Wildhammer dwarves could bring a third Druid race to the Alliance.

This! I've never read anything that would indicate they used anything other than nature magic


MOAR Dwarves!
Wildhammer Drooid dwarves!!!


I agree. I think this makes the most sense, rather than creating entire new races for every clan, tribe, kingdom, etc found in the lore.

Would definitely save me a lot of time having to create each one and level them to some point before another comes out and compels me to rinse and repeat.

Awesome necro!

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A good racial for Wildhammer dwarves is being able to fly at level 20.


As Tovi said, “The day (Wildhammer) Dwarves can be Druids, I will race change so fast my Credit Card will catch on fire”


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BS like this is why I know Blizzard employees genuinely have some strong hate for High Elves and Alliance fans in general.

They’ll consider tattoos for an unpopular and underplayed race but not one with more consistent requests? How spiteful can these people get?

I am no fan of Blizzard. That is well known, and well documented.

Having said that, there are * 4 * variants of PONCY Elves. F - O - U - R. And how many of those are “made up”? Answer: TWO.

Your entire flop-eared, bad-decision making crew of mailbox dancers should be shuttled off to Teldrassil, like so much Escape from New York.

To reiterate - FOUR different variants. And here you stand, accusing Blizzard of “hatred” for High Elves?

Methinks thou spelt “Warlock” and “Shaman” incorrectly good sir. Or ma’am. (QUite frankly all you PONCY Elves look the same to me. PONCY)

Good day sir or ma’am. No, I said GOOD DAY.


Spotted the dude who doesn’t care about Warcraft lore.

Yes to Wildhammer Dwarves, they deserve their own Allied Race Slot, they been part of the Alliance since the beginning… not this Dark Iron Crap mumbo jumbo.


You don’t get much deeper in WoW lore than Dwarves. Especially, Wildhammer Dwarves.


Alliance players want Wildhammer Dwarves, they make a lot of sense lore wise considering the many times we as Alliance players have come across Wildhammer cities and strongholds.

And that is exactly why we will likely never see them as a playable race, because if Blizzard has been consistent in anything, its not giving players what they ask for when it comes to races. Point in case, Void Elves as a substitute for the High Elves we have been asking for 12 years. If were “lucky” (sarcastic) we will get Sea Dwarves in place of Wildhammer Dwarves, cause hey who doesn’t love an asspull race from nowhere that no one asked for or wanted right?

All that said I think I would prefer them and ALL other races included as Allied races rather than just customization options because we then have the heritage armor, mounts and in some cases racial cities/hubs.


All for it, as long as we get their counterparts in the Dragonmaw Orcs.


I likes that idea!! Dragonmaw orcs sound awesome right after the race change credit card on fire for Wildhammer drooid lubbin’!!!


Please add the groups that are already part of our factions (but unplayable) before adding any more new creations!


PLEASE THIS!, stop adding races out of the blue… let’s Add the races already apart of the Alliance and Horde to be playable!


Wildhammer Dwarves are part of the Alliance now and were allied previously if not full members.

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I think that’s his point.

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There are Four kinds of Elves so three kinds of Dwarves is reasonable.

Wildhammer Dwarves should be added.