Wildhammer Alliance Reconnections

Hey that’s good to hear that you’re still in touch with some of the guys from there.

I’m facebook friends with Wildes i’ll reach out to him and see if he’s going to come back.

Add me … iitzcyrus#1181

@Cheerrio I remember Wambulance, he’s in one of my other pvp videos … I Just gotta find it haha.

Seems like Uyki was at the center of some RL drama that ended up breaking up TKM.

It’s crazy how many names I recognize and how many memories they bring back.

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Is that how I ended up on Sargeras? For the life of me can’t remember how or when I transferred off.

Gnome Warlock,
Fist of Entropy, Mutiny

A lot of people from Incarnate/Blacklisted later on went to Darkspear, then to Sargeras; when people went from Darkspear to Sargeras I think that’s when a lot of people from other guilds transferred from Wildhammer over, or maybe they were already there… I’m not sure. I know of at least 30 or 40 people from OG Wildhammer on Sargeras

Well is there a server we are all looking towards? Would love to fight in blackrock mountain again with all yall :wink:

Who knows if any of the nex addo peeps are still around

not yet Cheerrio/tato but I got in touch with wildes and some of the other blacklisted guys, they’re trying to figure out which server to roll on. It’s all kind of speculative I think at the moment.

I will say we’re East coast if that helps, and also looking for a pvp server to that should trim the list to the 3 (Faerlina, Herod, Thalnos). I think we’re trying to figure out which one will have a good population.

Tetris - mage blacklisted - wildhammer - rdy to destroy all of u again

Wow there’s so many names I recognize here! Been a while since I’ve seen anyone from The Kobayashi Maru lol.

I was a human rogue back in the day by the name of Jameszz, was in The Kobayashi Maru and Celordyn I can tell you what happened to Uyki and that guild.

I also was a human pally by the name of Insanehealz but I didn’t get to 60 till the middle of BC lol, so that name might not be as familiar.

Some may also know my sister who was a human pally as well by the name of Dez, trying to get her to come back to the game to play classic with me. =)

Jameszz, you’re bad and should feel bad.

Bachman - Draenei hunter, I got around back in the day.

Excelsis: Human Mage from Incarnate

Also had a NE Druid with some variant name like Xcelsis or something.

I remember MontyPythonx (I think), I was a paladin names Xp… Ring a bell?


add me on here iitzcyrus#1181

I remember you!
Munchkyn Gnome Mage
Blackcats (?) Gnome Rogue

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The Zero Charisma rebirth is happening on Skeeram, word on the street is none of the streamers are rolling there, so hopefully that improves the gene pool somewhat.

Edit. Looks like Herod now.
Edit again Skeeram.

I’ve created a Group on Battlenet for Wildhammer players:

I’m just waiting for Raiyn to make his grand entrance.


Yep! That would be Facehugger. Still in contact with him, but I’m not sure how much he plays games any more.

I remember you!

Toys grown out of being an a-hole yet? :wink:

Crazy to think that all these people are still around 15 years later.

Quite a few ZC/Overdose players + some extras will be rolling Herod Alliance. Wanted to play Horde this time around but the popular vote was Alli again.

Hopefully any beef can be water under the bridge now. We are all adults now D:

Hope everyone can end up there!