Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

its a weapon enhancement like mana oil unless you are the feral giving it, then its a buff.

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Yes but it doesnt overwrite a mana oil you put up. Being raid wide isn’t going to suddenly remove all casters mana oils.

If I have oil on a weapon and am given wild strikes, it is taken off. It constantly renews itself, so you can’t replace it with a new oil either.

No, it’s not. It specifically doesn’t’ overwrite oils/stones/poisons. Seriously have you actually paid attention at all?

Finally, my mage was never put into the druid group

Ah yes, instead they gave you 3 insanely strong skill books, and replaced it with an absurd healing rune.

and fear ward

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Powershifting is hitting one button dude, it’s not that serious lol

While you’re at it do something about this circus of a pve build you created for the ele shaman trying to “balance” pvp (ironically, you were at the same time buffing pvp ele in every way possible). At this point dpsing with a tank does almost the same single target dmg as eles…

I think you mean every single melee DPS.

Casters, as usual, still getting screwed.

Ok i wasnt complaining necesarily just pointing out that you cant say we have something to compare with those totems when that thing doesnt currently exist(and the exorcism fix should have been baseline from phase 1 or the spell should have just not existed (there was zero point to its existence before it could actually be used outside naxx strat and scholo)

Horn of Lordaeron was completely unusable by all specs because of all the other runes slotted there. Dstorm and Aegis being the most important ones. Hpals wouldnt run it because it A) overwrites Might, and B) gives less AP than might at all stages of the game. Complete trash ny all accounts, and who tf wants to run a crappy rune when they have significantly better options to choose from?

Pally tanks vs shaman tanks wasnt even a topic of discussion so youre p much just yapping there

took 4 phases

Well that’s just wrong.

Might at 60 is 185 ap / 222 if improved.

Horn according to wowhead was 89 str+agi at 60

Which is

303 ap for cats

267 ap for all but hunter rogue

188 ap for Hunter rogue

4.5% crit for all but rogue+hunter.

3% Crit for rogue

1.8%ish Crit for Hunter

Clearly much better?

The stats it provided werent very significant at the lvl 25, 40, and 50 brackets. Couple that with the fact that it was on the chest slot and not literally anywhere else, and you get “Why We Removed Horn Of Lordaeron, the Musical”

If it made a return as a skillbook with the stats it could have provided at 60, then we would be having an entirely different conversation. I’d imagine it would go something like “hey lets nerf horn, its giving ally too many stats” or something. Idk.

Level 50: 45 agi str vs 115 melee ap

Again it was just better (1% crit = roughly 20-30AP).

153 ap + crit for cats

135 ap + crit non rogue/hunter

90 ap + crit for rogue

90 ranged ap + crit hunter.

Yes it’s a competitive slot and maybe it wasn’t competitive with the other choices and it should’ve been moved, but to say might is better is just wrong.

Math was never my strongest suit so ill concede that point without issue

The problem is solely the rune slot. Pally lost a lot more than it gave back to the rest of the party by taking horn over literally anything else in the slot. If we had to do the same now(aka bring it back and put it on the chest slot), the only people who would take it would be hpals(because of how garbage hallowed ground is). Then again, you would need to put hpal in a melee group since it was only party wide, and that alone would cause issues.

Wild strikes is nice, but what we really want are GDKP’s!

speak for yourself GDKPs are bad and support RMT only people who support RMT and bots support GDKPs

Paladins already have a lot of overpowered BS, they don’t need more :man_shrugging:

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