Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

Judging by this, i assume yall dont actually want pallies to have a usable Horn of Lordaeron, which, i mean… proves my point i guess.

this buff benifits all melee raid wide idk why people are crying about it

They need something to be upset about.

Isnt that the truth. Blizz finally does something right and theyre crying about it. Goes to prove my post on D2 being account wide is stupid either way theyre gonna cry about something. They cant be happy this is what happens when a generation that grew up with partcipation trophies become adults theyre used to getting rewarded for not doing anything.

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I think both factions should have differences and shouldn’t be given things to make them the exact same.

I think Alliance has a lot of very obvious advantages in certain areas, and cry way too much about everyone having equal access to weapon skill.

I also think out of the list of classes that actually needs skill books, Paladin is last of the line. Especially considering how many they’ve already gotten.


We got as many skillbooks as we did because the runes that got turned into skillbooks were incredibly restrictive(as in, pick this rune or suffer) which makes for unfun gameplay.

And as far as the weapon skill thing is concerned, humans specifically took the L because we lost the uniqueness of sword/mace spec without the slightest upside. Diplomacy is kind of ok, but The Human Spirit and Perception are both hot garbage.

You had to do this (I am thankful BTW) because you didn’t want to put it on Ret Sanctity Aura LOL

Why do you all hate Paladins so much?

Ret is bad, bro, from the design of having to kill himself in order to mid-DPS or get mana back down to not being able to heal himself because you removed the +heal from all our abilities/gear AND decrease healing by 50% if we want to get mana back. And slap a cast time on everything.

Spirit is insanely good and perception is one of the strongest wpvp abilities. Mind you it should be on the opposite faction of meld so it’s more useful. The fact that alliance got both meld and perception is crazy.

Also Druids literally get zero choice in runes and we have had no real books, outside of getting an actual resurrection. So I don’t accept your argument.

Your class is fine, Arms warrior needs the help way more.

If having 5% more spirit than the next cretin is “insanely good” then i dont accept your argument either.

The amount of stealth detection that Perception gives you does nothing to rogues who either put on their cloaks that give a boost to stealth level, have their stealth talent from Subtlety, or both. Hell, any GOOD rogue is going to catch you regardless of whether or not perception is considered in the equation. The last time i saw an enemy feral in pvp, it was in WSG and as a flag carrier, so im not even gonna consider them.

Druids should have gotten the same treatment as pallies did going into p4 to allow for more build diversity, it sucks that they didnt, idk what else to say to you other than to keep advocating for those changes without being weird and complaining about why others are getting the treatment that you want for your preferred class

ur playing a made up video game. stop crying about changes.