Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

Good change. Make it a book and make it require cat or bear form and its set.

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hell no I love our feline friends

The only one hating druids is You.

I love ferals in My party.

Keep trying

Finally! This is the kind of change we’ve been waiting for! Wild Strikes going raid-wide with a massive 100-yard radius? Absolute game changer! No more hunting for that elusive Feral Druid just to boost your party’s damage. Now, every single DPS in the raid can reap the benefits. This is the kind of accessibility that makes raid comps feel more flexible and rewarding. Blizzard, you’ve outdone yourselves with this one—keep it coming!

Dont lie its okay to open up :slight_smile:

I believe you only because its you <3

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“Rets hate Ferals.” Guys how you don’t know this guy is absolutely trolling you is beyond me.

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Only reason you take offense to it and shield yourself by calling me a troll is because you know its true :slight_smile:

Hey Stickboy!

As a Ret Paladin, I love Feral Druids—so much so that we’d always fight over who got to group with them! We’re Paladins, after all. We serve the Light, not hate… unlike Shamans, who seem to be fueled by bile and disdain. :wink:

Its okay ally dont like cats

Nobody likes rets.

Ah, so Horde hates cats, huh? No surprise there—always been dog people with those Ghost Wolves of yours. Clearly, cat haters at heart! As for not liking Rets, well, we’re used to it. But hey, at least we’re not running around chasing our tails like some spirit wolves we know. :smirk:

The very top 1% of horde agi are seeing 200 dps difference, anything below that is seeing a much lower gap. Alliance have the S tier tank and tank heals, yes the heals are still S tier tank heals even after their nerf. Only 1% of the horde is in the 1%. All alliance benefit from their S tier tank and tank heals. Sham tank is not even close to as sturdy as prot pally and prot pally is outdpsing them according to logs. Resto sham is brought for a fire totem.

Also alliance were given str/goa totem combined into one rune and they didnt use, they never gave horde a might equivalent.

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Nope came to horde to get away from ret brain in SoD one of the best experiences they dont whine all day n love both cats n dogs :slight_smile:

Id take that deal

Horn is to compete with shaman totems. If it stacked with might then they would have to give a might equivalent to horde somewhere.

Was, horn does not exist currently

Its not even about us being great dps. We also bring leader of the pack, thorns, Motw, Battle rez, innervate, instant offtanking capabilities. This is probably my favorite version of feral to exist, just wish we had a useful combo spender when rip is already up.

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I meaaan the fact feral is fourth or fifth best DPS in the game is most certainly a huge thing. There’s literally zero reason for anyone to dislike them, not take them, think they’re weak atm. They provide a ton of buffs, support, help, etc. On TOP of great damage.

  1. This has always been a positive and a negative for druids. The positive is you are always unique as you are a cat/bear. The negative is as you said is gear means nothing aesthetically.

  2. Gore is bloody awful. You probably know as well as I do how it feels to not get a single proc while beserk is active. You just sit there completely screwed due to rng mechanics.

  3. Just all facts

  4. Screw em, uses it on yoursself and say nothing xD.

  5. Feral leveling is almost as bad as warriors. You will be at 20%hp after fighting 1 mob then use your mana pool thats incredibly low thanks to no int scaling. The rotation really isnt hard. keep the bleeds and savage roar up, shred otherwise.

  6. Powershifting should be avoidable thanks to gore, but its so unreliable that it is still a thing.

  7. You forgot having to spend a ton on catnip each week.

Well this is horrible, I just lost my Mana Oil forever. :frowning:

No? It doesn’t overwrite manual buffs.