Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

Give people an inch they want a mile

Do it for shaman totems then

  1. we can’t see our gear 90% of the time, imagine you have worn the same looking armor since level 10 or level 20 with just stat upgrades while all your friends get shiny new toys to wear while actually playing (vs just standing around town)

  2. The rotation is wickedly unforgivable to maximize dps vs doing mediocre dps. Especially due to the random procs of OoC and Gore rune

  3. Wanna do WSG? Great you are expected to automatically be the flag carrier, know all the jumps and be an expert at keeping the flag away from the enemy spending tons of gold each match on consumables compared to other players. Want a match where you can just go in, kill the enemy and let somebody else cap? Nope you are it.

  4. Innervate isn’t your own still

  5. It isn’t the fastest class to level, or easiest to learn.

  6. Powershifting is annoying, but must be done to maximize dps.

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I like this change, honestly it should be done with every other aura out there. Totems should be raid wide, Paladin Auras, Moonkin, I don’t know what else might be out there but those too.

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Thank you very much for a MUCH needed change to that specific mechanic in the game.

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Make every group wide buff raid wide, the restriction is outdated and not fun.


Looks who’s talking, that’s mostly how you reached 15k posts.

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Can’t be 0. You still want mangle debuff as horde. And there’s no shortage of people who want to be flaming kitty. Also the class blasts.

A bear tank always picked SI…

Shamans are not even close to being the most broken class. That statement just proves how ignorant you are.

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Windfury weapon is 2 extra hits while the totem is 1, and you cant have any oils or weapon buffs if you have the shaman version, (windfury weapon, flametongue weapon) but they will benefit from grace of air. Im just confused why they made the druid one 100 yards. Its like a ninth of a mile end to end while totems are like 30 yards.

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Tbh same, they need to buff up the totem range/mechanic.

You have one, its called healers padding.

haha most of the comment are crying alliance

Yes but, when warlock pet fixes?

Unless your raid comps are complete dogwater, that warrior is most likely getting all three whether they asked for it or not. “Ally shouldnt get windfury” yet, despite having it, horde’s access to shamans puts them 200+ dps over Ally. Make it make sense, knuckle-dragger.

It isn’t the top DPS in MC that’s cherry-picking.

I’ve played ally in almost every instance of wow and I can not explain it there is an inexplicable hate for ferals this stereotype will never die as it has always been proven true :slight_smile:

I was mentioning how other people hate em specially rets

now to the players themselves, all this stands true though especially in classic where they failed to optimize classic gear again for 3 phases :slight_smile:

That’s true of Wild Strikes too for everyone except the druid themselves because of the way fake “weapons” we get in forms that aren’t our actually equipped item. Was also the main reason before wild strikes druids didn’t benefit from WF totem. It adds a temp modifier to the equipped weapon and not their claws which Wild Strikes has been programmed to do.