Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

What a fried take lmao

Ally hate the top dps class in MC? Why?

Make it a skill book already. Give us an additional rune slot so we can get a combo point spender that isn’t garbage.

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Why should horn be raid wide when totems aren’t? At least horn doesn’t have a placement requirement.


Were you the boy saying to be a high test boy that dont cry ?.

I see you crying AGAIN and a massive urgency of calling a Bubble for shaman just like every shaman in the forums. You need a Bubble because you suck at PvP while playing the most Broken and ridiculous class sod. Pally needs Bubble because paladín sucks without Bubble.

If yall want a Bubble, just play a paladín and face shamans.

Nice change, PvP is more balanced with this.

I don’t think people understand how insane this buff is.

You run 2 druids. The feral dps runs windfury. The tank however runs survival instincts.

What this means is since bears get a free rune slot, the bear chooses the rune they couldn’t run before and becomes an absolute monster.

For you non feral players, survival instincts is 20% damage reduction against all forms of attacks AND you become uncrittable in PVE. Just a “minor” buff HAHA

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I am the troll with the highest test ever and I am glad you remembered me, I hope I stay with you always and forever

How many ferals are being invited in horde? Probably 0? I feel that Someone is very mad.

Feral is literally one of the top 5 damaging specs atm. There’s no reason not to take a feral.

This guy has been saying for weeks that alliance dont want to bring ferals when the reality IS that alliance ferals are inexistent.

If alliance dont want to bring ferals, imagine how horde would ignore them. The argument contradict by itself.

0 logic on what he was trying to say in the fight of keeping alliance nerfed without a second source of wf or get it raid wide.

This isn’t even true, people bring ferals because they’re crazy good damage. Just not a lot of people played feral.

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If they did Horn again rework as what it was trying to do as a raid wide buff for 2 hours with the Str/Agi and allow it to stack with Might.

Survival of the Fittest*

Survival Instincts is an entirely different on use cooldown.

Please restore Horn of Lord to Paladin as a skill book, raid-wide buff. It should have never been removed in the first place.

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Sword and mace spec? yeah you guys got enough. Beside horde has druids. But thanks for the salty tears they are so yummy.

Can we do the same with Moonkin Aura too please?

Shaman damage increased by 25% to compensate

Typical melee favoritism - which defines SoD really. How about making caster buffs like moonkin aura raid wide as well?

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Now do this for Paladin Auras so I can actually use Sanctity Aura in MC Heat 3 :wink:

Fixed that for you