Wild Strikes to become Raid-wide

No way if shaman and pallys are on both sides then horde will have to deal with ret pally players and we dont have enough crayons to feed them all.

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I know. Muahahaha. I hope it happens.

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Naw, its just not doing as good as it should and imma play the spec I enjoy. Im just pointing it out. Arms is having a rough time also.

Really cant stand that “its not retail”, its an over used trope for people in SoD who have no actual argument or anything intelligent or viable to add to a discussion. You can def get out with that.

Its not about “tier” its about at least being middle of the pack.

this is the worst thing you have ever done and i wont forgive you if they make it a reality

any shaman complaining is an idiot, we have one feral per raid anyways, AND YOU DONT WANT TO DROP A TOTEM THAT DOES nothing for you.

Doesnt this allow the shamans now to imbue with other elements so its a gain?

Well someone has to hold the raid up from the bottom and ret pallys are the perfect class to do that!!!

And now it sounds like you just dont like Paladins. But yea you have no standing to even have a valid opinion on the matter.

There is a difference with being at the bottom and having a massive gap between classes like there is.

Just give Paladins a form of WF. Give Alliance two sources of it instead of just one.

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Its been brought up a lot but there is a very loud minority that really hates us and doesnt want us to have it: all reasons given were from a PvP perspective in which the scenarios provided only served to show the players in question had bad takes.

Awesome now give it to warriors so shamans can all run agi totem!

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as a shaman player i don’t mind that they made this change. just update the shaman totem to do the same thing. why should we put up with a worse version when the druid buff is based on are totem.

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Agreed, they need to fix/buff WF totem hard.


it means we never get screwed into dropping windfury either, we can just perma keep agi down. Windfury totem is a dps loss for us. You are bound to bring 1 feral to raid because of buffs.

THEY COULD MAKE WF totem work for the whole raid and it WOULDNT make me want to drop it anymore than agi totem. I would still want 1 feral per raid.


its not just about making it raid wide. totems only have a range ove 40Y with T1 it adds another 40Y. it makes it 20Y less the the druid buff with out needing tear. plus WF totem dos not work for druids is forms.

having a single, solitary feral running WS in your raid is too much for you, eh?

Honestly, don’t let warriors benefit from agi totem. I had to go all of C19 as a feral with useless WF.

Please do this for Paladin Aura’s, it’s really annoying for Ret to be so mid of the pack and have to lose 10% of our damage just to put FR up. It’s like Ret gets punished with even worse damage.

hell pally auras and totems could both be raid wide and I wouldn’t complain.

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Giving it to warriors means people will also invite warriors to dungeons, win win

Keep it up keep devaluing droods so ally which hate em don’t gotta bring em :slight_smile:

Keep retailing SoD making raid comps irrelevant as SoD is retail- !!