They’ve already transferred characters from 2 other classic relaunches sweetie.
those other relaunches never had dull speck tho
So people aren’t using dual spec? People are still paying 50g to respec every time they need to? Weird. I would have imagined people would utilize that.
Raid leaders will require people to have two specific specs. Parses will be higher because tanks will be able to swap into a full DPS spec when they’re not tanking a particular boss. Mage parses will be higher because they will be able to switch between frost and fire specs easily. Warlock parses will be higher because they’ll be able to switch between standard SM/ruin specs and fire specs. Etc…
These things will happen if they’re not already because dual spec offers a lot more opportunities to optimize. And people will always optimize.
If you have a hard time imagining how dual spec changes things that’s on you and your unimaginative brain.
yeah to the extent it’s not happening yet it’s just because MC is pushover easy by naxx definitely people will have 2 PvE specs and will switch between them depending on boss, probably earlier.
definitely possible we don’t know what technicalities are going on behind the scenes.
In retail you can’t switch in dungeons, I would make it the same.
Whatever the logical common sense route is - Blizzard will go the opposite way.
Plan accordingly.
They told you from the jump these servers are going to tbc. The purposefully separated them from the era clusters. There will be no transfers or clones to era. The silence on blizzards behalf says so much. Just like no matter how much I want it them being silent says no TBC era servers either.
Disabling dual spec is a non-factor.
you think so but you could be wrong
Im in a parsing guild and 100% that is not happening. Again, you are assuming but you arent actually playing and you have zero skill so you are falling back on what you always do… a dented skull and assumptions.
Stop typing.
Also dude is worried about parsing and meta on era which is FIVE YEARS OLD AT THIS POINT.
Again, five years old… and dudes worried about parsing and LOGS. You really gonna let WCL control your life bud? Yikessssssssss
Som characters were way different too, and yet theres your som character, on era.
You live in a glass house of stupidity.
According to the available information at the time of this writing, the answer to OPs question is “No.”
You should level a character on Era if you desire to play on Era and have your character’s progress at 60 remain permanent.
Otherwise you should expect for your anniversary characters to be phased into Burning Crusade once that releases.
It’s possible that Blizz randomly decides to commit the crime of enabling transfers from anniv to Era, but this would be antithetical to everything that Era is stated to be. You really shouldn’t count on this as an outcome because so far there is zero indication of it going that way.
I would be down for it if they cleared everyone’s gold who’s transferring over, oh and also any loot from naxx event because its inaccessible here.
Also no brining of any non-soul bound items over either…
Reason being that our economy is really good, and these clowns would destroy everything.
On second thought…
NO… Because the bots would auto-transfer over to help the coiners buy more gold…
So best possible outcome is everyone on Anniversary is forced to TBC because that’s the best path forward for the server I play on.
It will. If there’s an opportunity for optimization it’s inevitable. It may not happen in the 1 year duration that fresh will exist in but it would certainly happen in Era. I’d be surprised if it didn’t happen in fresh though tbh.
Hey Mr tough guy behind a keyboard, we’re just having a discussion.
Take a deep breath.
Inhale slowly.
Yeah. I’m concerned about how things will impact the meta, the way in which people play the game. I don’t want to have to dedicate two specs to raiding. I’d like the game that’s supposed to remain the same to remain the same.
Please don’t take this the wrong way when I ask this, but why would you even remotely bother leveling your characters in Fresh if the ultimate goal is to land in era servers anyways?
Why don’t you just level in era,
Are you intending to experience things “fresh” again, in which case I think you should be advocating for pristine era servers.
Again. Things people are worried about that don’t actually happen for $200 Ken.
Like complaining about getting world buffs for raid
You simply join a guild that would never require such a thing… I bet 95% of guilds would never make you swap specs in raid. Ever.
Might be 95% one day and 90% the next, but it will always be gravitating towards more and more guilds requiring this over time. The people who keep playing the same game for 20 years will optimize. This is what speed running history teaches us. “Casual” guilds on Era are clearing Naxxramas at what would have been world record speed 5 years ago.
Warriors only have 1 spec and no other classes matter, so no you’re actually wrong on this