Wil blizz option to port anniversary server toons to era once tbc launches?

I would bring dual spec and group finder, and get rid of world buffs in raids. I understand looking in the trade chat spam is “harder” but less fun. I choose fun over difficulty any day.

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I like the idea of seasonal/anniversary transfers to era; they would reinvigorate era, which was adversely impacted directly from anniversary. Just remove dual spec upon arrival, voila!


They really need to make classic+ or leave it alone.

I highly doubt it, especially after the stormrend backpedal. Era isn’t the place for changes.


I’ll just assume you don’t know what Season of Mastery (SoM) is. It launched in 2021 and ended in 2023. They already allowed transfers from SoM to Era in 2023. SoM had 1) xp bonuses 2) mount cost discounts 3) increased drops on lot of raiding mats 4) easier access to silithus rep.

They’re not allowed to do that. It is in fact against the rules of the game.

Ahead of it’s time

They changed ranking. Duel spec is nothing in comparison

Being able to change specs out of combat anywhere in the world is a much more impactful change and has much bigger consequences for the meta.

The only big thing the PvP honor normalization did is allow an unlimited number of people go for rank 14 at once. It didn’t really change the time requirement. It did, however, impact Era’s PvP meta. There was a big shift towards spamming AV as people moved away from PvPing just for fun to PvPing for rank.

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funny how you left out 5) much much harder raids, which cancels out a lot of the benefits you mentioned earlier :expressionless: also. no dual spewk.

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You know they can just turn off dual spec right? Like it’s way less impactful to just disable dual spec than it was to transfer tons of bis characters with banks full of cheap raid mats to Era. Just read what I wrote again but very slowly and say the words out loud. I’m told that helps.

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they could also just disable rune skills and new items for SoD characters to transfer to era :expressionless: but they chose not to. same logic with dual spewk. the characters are too powerful and don’t deserve an era transfer. just go to TBC, dude. i thought anniversary was le TBC waiting room anyway :expressionless:

Lol SoD is not over. Why would they enable transfers right now? Every end of server transfer dump came either right before TBC or after the phase had been released for over a year. This isn’t really a debate. They’ve allowed transfers twice before, they’ll do it again.

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blizzard already announced SoD characters will not get transfers to era, sweetie :expressionless:

LOL… Yeah sure man. “the meta” bro naxx was released 5 years ago on those servers.


You era players are so cooked its wild.

SoD will get xfers to Cata / MoP. Anniversary should get xfers to Era 100%

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Ehh… What? Yeah Naxx has been out for 5 years. What’s your point?

A change like dual spec will significantly change how people play the game and how raid leaders will expect people to raid. We call this a change to the meta.

Why are you acting like I’ve said something absurd?


Link to this announcement please…

Not an issue IMO. Sure, you can do that on anniversary, but it’s disabled when you xfer.
“Simple as” Eyr.

first he says the meta hasn’t changed
then when you prove it has, he mocks the idea that you care cuz the game is old :expressionless:
this is the extent of the argument

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Weird because its on anniversary servers right now and its changed absolutely nothing. At all.

Raiding is exactly the same. Nothing has changed.

More ppl who just assume based on their cooked 25 IQ brains with zero logical evidence that happens.

Where is his “proof” ??? I dont see proof listed anywhere in his opinion. He said “will significantly change” … thats not proof.

“I will make a significant amount of money this year!” … without showing you income statements would you believe me?

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This announcement was a long time ago. They may change their minds about maintaining permanent “Season” of Discovery servers. How much time is left in SoD anyway?

The simple truth is that Blizzard are complete and total fools if they have not planned from the beginning for this to be an option.

The fact they have been silent on this makes me think they didnt even consider it as an option so maybe something they did now cannot be reversed to allow this option.

Maybe these anniversary servers are already in there own separate “TBC” server cluster with no pipeline to Era that is maybe somewhere completely different.

Complete and total failure if this ends up never becoming an option once TBC is released.

I stopped leveling my anniversary warlock at level 45 because I can’t be bothered to waste my time without confirmation that I will be able to transfer to Era at the end.