So, spoiler alert for those who haven’t done the quest yet.
So why is Ysera back? I mean the story isn’t really adding up for me and I don’t really see a reason for us bringing her back if it wasn’t to be the Green Aspect. If all her daughter needed to do was touch a giant orb to become the new aspect…what is the point of her being back?
Even worse, it seemed kinda like a con job by Ysera and Winter Queen to screw Malfurion over and for seemingly nothing at that. So he takes her place…but she is forever altered and doesn’t have the same connection with the Dream as she once did so she can’t be the Aspect anymore…kinda seems like the point in her coming back is now pointless. I mean I THOUGHT the whole point of Malfurion taking her place was so that she could be reborn…but she has been “touched by death” so she’s not really fully alive anymore?
This all just seemed poorly thought out. Also I really hope Merithra gets a new model because it would be very unfortunate for an Aspect to look like your run of the mill Green Dragon
I don’t know, why Bo Katan stole Mandalorian show?
I’ve assumed nostalgia over plot such as Uther being two ghosts and the Fourth War’s rough writing. 
At least Ysera can be used for the World Tree while having sweet interactions with her family as they know she’ll have to return.
Blizzard does not have a coherent vision for the game’s story. If they did, then Ysera would not have been killed in the first place if Blizzard wanted to keep her around.
There is a theory that the whole storyline is designed to give Malfurion a power-up eventually so he can come back as a literal demigod. If that is the case (and I’m not saying I’m fully convinced that it is), then the storyline is really for his benefit, not Ysera’s.
That’s weird. I mean, isn’t it the whole purpose of Ardenweald to prepare spirits for rebirth? Is the problem simply that she came out too early?
Presumably, she’s only around long enough so Merithra can properly be given the mantle of Aspect and they need an important Green Dragon around to facilitate this narrative as to not have a repeat of the Wrathion Aspect plotline, except it actually works.
Why use Ysera for this? There aren’t that many Green Dragons about that aren’t dead and none of them as important.
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While I like the idea, the story makes a big fuss about there needing to be an equivalent exchange. So, would something have to be given so Malfurion can return? And what would it take to bring him back?
Presumably Ysera would swap back with him when she’s done with whatever she wants to do in the mortal realm.
Hard to say. The two options are 1) Blizzard liked Ysera enough though she was too iconic so they brought her back. But then people complained and wanted Merithra to take her place/not was what was 2 expansions of emotional morning for Ysera’s death to be retconned so now they are saying Malfurion’s exchange is temporary. Or 2) they always meant this to be temporary and a way for Malfurion to get a power up.
Blizzard usually start plots that they dont really care to finish in that same expansion or the next or the next of the next.
Dragonflight as of now has alot of hanging plots that need attention. Will they have time and resources to do all of those plots? I dont know but ysera coming back is one of those.
Probably it will be tackled on in the emerald dream patch, to what extend we are yet to discover.
I think it’s worth remembering that the green dragonflight is in a hard place right now. In their related quests in BFA, you can see green dragons preferring to just die rather than wake up, be a part of the world, and fight back. They have The Big Sad, and while I’m not entirely certain it’s explicitly stated, I took it to be because of Ysera’s death.
Merithra’s been pretty hesitant and unsure of herself, and it makes narrative sense for her to need a mentor for this. There’s really no one to fill that role than the previous aspect. However, I get that players who are fond of the night elves are tired of continuing to lose more to make this happen.
Talking about leaderless flights, how are they going to recreate to process to make a dragon an Aspect?
I think that’s what the Oathstones and Mother Oathstone are for. The Mother Oathstone is apparently capable of uplifting a dragon to Aspect status.
At least that’s what I took it as when Alex tried to use it initially but it failed for reasons
There are a number of reasons why they brought back ysera none of them are particularly good. Its more because they want to balance out the prominent male dragons with the female ones.
Honestly her story should have been done when she died heroically in legion, bringing her back has only cheapened her moment there especially while other characters are having to sacrifice to bring her back.
I really believed Elune would interven in her rebirth after the dialogue she had with Tyrande stating that only by the will of Elune would she be able to return.
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Thank Mimiron Mekkatorque was resolved before he would have to show up in Shadowlands. 
Since Ysera says she’s bound to Ardenweald now, many assume she and Malfurion can just trade places again once she’s concluded her business in the living world.
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Ysera was needed to address the Primalist attack on the Emerald Dream itself. Malfurion was needed to take her place. The Fae don’t give anything for nothing.
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She died being used by Xavius.
What situations require Malfurion more than Ysera, and vice versa? Your theory does make sense, though.