Why Your Class and Spec

Well. I play a BM Hunter because until lately it gave me the flexibility to do whatever I wanted in game. Particularly solo play.

I say “until lately” because the last patch saw a combination of class/spec nerfs and world spawn buffs that make solo play a massive kick in the crotch level headache. Basically the one thing I play my main of 15 years to do, it won’t do right now. You can imagine how irritated I am.

Thanks for this Blizzard. I’m so glad you could take time out of your busy schedules to do the one thing that would absolutely ruin the game for me specifically. Means so much!

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Blizzard just wants us to use the Clefthoof. Screw the other pet families, right?

I’m going back and finishing up shadowlands on this guy or leveling alts to tide me over.

BM gonna be worse off after we lose our old set bonuses.

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I more or less try to keep informed as to various “tier lists” but i don’t like chasing flavor of the month. Since I am an LFR and mid-level m+ player, I enjoy playing what I like.

In my early tbc days, I leaned towards casters (warlocks) and healers (shaman), but over the past few xpacs, I have picked melee classes.

Cast times just feel bad when you are required to move so much. Plus, I tend to pick melee classes that also have tank specs. I like to tank, but I also like using tank spec for world farming.

Right now, I am mostly prot warrior (only prot, don’t play arms/fury) and demon hunter (main havoc, some vengeance). I like mobility and durability. I started 10.0 with an evoker healer. I have more or less dropped that for a resto shaman. I like to have one of each role to play what I am feeling at the time.

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I installed WoW after a long while.

Mainly i didn’t have to download the whole thing before logging on and i didn’t have to pay up front.

I was playing other games and i sortof planned it out, unconsciously.

Made a Druid. Figured healing is simple enough for me to be good at it. Also i could swap to tanking if needed. Win Win.

Right now i have 3 healers, 1 tank and 1 dps.

Dps is a bit sad… Things weren’t going very well and it was mostly out of spite. Started playing it, a rogue. Started liking it. Until some guy pulled a DPS meter on me. Right now i dusted off EvE Online.

Tank is 60. I can tank decently and i can sometimes be good at it. Problem with that character is i have no patiance with kids. Or childish attitudes, same thing.

Higher healer is this VE Priest. It’s sortof what i’m playing now but that’s shaky.

I usually Q for dungeons and spent my time gathering. I like crafting a lot. Which is a sad state of execution. On my JC, i can make worthless Epics. \o/

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I haven’t tried that one. Is that the magical cure all for what they’ve done? I know that my Ghostcrawler spirit beast is just getting slammed trying to tank golden elites.

Yeah. I’ve been dabbling in the Venthyr content from SL here and there lately. It’s the one SL faction I haven’t completely finished.

No kidding.

Yes. Clefthoof is absolutely insane.

Leech, lust, best at holding aoe threat, has a take reduced damage passive, and is more sturdy then the actual tanking pet families.

I use the speed boost pets for old content as it’s easy. Current content? I only use the Clefthoof as it’s just that much better.