Why Your Class and Spec

I did start Disc because I was curious as to whether the “disc is hard” claims had any merit. Now that I got the rhythm and flow down, I get why people put disc in a league all on its own. I enjoy Holy overall most, but this season I have been having the most fun being a DPS who side heals so I’ll probably not switch out of Disc for the rest of the xpan unless it gets changed. I do feel like we have a lot of stupid bloat and it is very unrewarding and punishing if you mess up Atonement buffs. Still hella fun tho.


For Monk, Windwalker is the spec I’m most interested in. I also happen to think it’s the easiest, which is also good. I often tend to gravitate specs that are relatively easy to get into. I also just really like the theme.

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Picked Paladin off the bat so I can solo and grp. Now I solo and do Battlegrounds. Besides, Jihadin a damn good name to fit my toon.
My DK…I played a Shadow Knight in EQ so I had to give the DK a try when it came. Since Dragonlance books introduce me to fantasy when it came out. Hence his name is Solmnia
My Hunter…well she’s a bit twisted…Whipsnchains…since majority of my adult life was carrying an M4. And I love my dogs…hate cats…but my hunter like cats
My Demon Hunter…Synical…well spent majority of my life on jump status and Demon Hunters can “jump” and we do have a dark cynical sense of humor
My Ranger…“Airborne” I don’t play but did it to lock the name down…wait…wrong game

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Every other class in this game sucks

I also was gaslit into tanking when I first started, so now I just keep tanking

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What was your asvab score and why would anyone sign up for that

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117 GT. ya. i know. I qualified for anything.

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I have been a fantasy lover since middle school when i was introduced to the Dragonlance saga. I was instantly drawn to the character Raistlin. The whole mage fantasy. Glass cannon. Paper weak defenses but super stong offensivly. Frail and weak but but bring the thunder. It just continued to evolve from there. Every RPG style game i have ever played where i had options to create a character I have always gravitated towards the wizard/mage characters. Usher in the birth of Greneugs. He has been my WoW main since day one! He will continue to be my WoW main till i no longer play this game. I have at one point in time played all three specs in a raid setting. I just enjoy the aesthetics and playstyle of frost the most.

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Have you seen this place? I don’t think we have anything to worry about.

Why? Simple:

So I can do ^this.


Arms cause I’m the guy on the art for the arms talent tree. Thats me.

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I really like frost mage. Mage is only ranged class that isn’t about “build-spend”. And frost is super simple at that. Throw frozen orb, cast blizzard, spam ice lance. I love it. If only some talents were not as dead.

Like you can’t even pick Comet Storm. An aoe talent that will make you lose a lot more aoe dps if you pick it instead of meta talents.

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Pets and bows.

And the ability to solo most things.

And now I have this urge to level up my shaman.


druid jelled with me and I stuck with it. now i only play it because Vane has been my main since BC. :person_shrugging:

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I enjoy being a bear. Rawr, mon.

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Fury Warrior - Satisfying to play and fits my fantasy of being a berserking battle axe wielding beast

Brewmaster monk - I like WoW’s idea of monks and enjoy a class and spec that I can incorporate cooking into his personal lore. The mechanics and all the buttons to press are fun for me. Great for soloing content.

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I started holy priest because it was easier, I am disc now because of its performance potential when you can play it well lol

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I am maining a Resto Shaman.

I started out Dragonflight mostly playing Disc Priest (this character), but since I only run M+, I got tired of dungeons getting messy because people weren’t hitting their interrupt button. So I rerolled to Resto Shaman, the healer with the best interrupt.

I like healing more than DPS and tanking because I think healing is a more varied faster-paced role. I have to make quick decisions on how to keep people alive, and the “right” spell to cast constantly changes depending on what situation I’m in. I really enjoy that.

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I walk into a BG, top the healing charts wearing (mostly) blues.

And that’s just fun, even win most of the time.

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Demon Hunter, Vengeance.
What’s not to like.

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/moonkin dance

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my last class that i was planning to main but ended up deleting was a BM hunter. I chose it because i never mained a hunter in any mmorpg’s because it’s always the same they are always the most populated class because they are somewhat the “easiest to play” or just the bow aesthetics.

Also planned to main it because i have a daughter to care for. she is almost 4 months old and my gf is deaf so it’s not like she can always hear her crying. hell every night i have to wake up to her crying cause my gf either can’t hear or she is chosing to ignore it so i wake up. she has sleeping issues too idk why she sleeps so late sometimes maybe she sleeps at 3am where as i used to sleep around 9-10pm but now i sleep around 12-2am.

Now i am deciding on a new main but idk what i will roll. thinking of Druid, Shaman, or Paladin. something to heal with really but mainly go dps probably so idk Paladin and Druid idc much for their dps specs and shaman idk either. i’ve played Shaman and druid the most so i do want something new for me or newer. i never really play melee in WoW either so it is a skill ceiling in that sense for me.

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