Why you should unsub

Bad companies should lose customers, that’s how it works. If you don’t like the product don’t buy it.


Your argument was so compelling and moving. I will unsub at once!


This is a great company and a great game, so I’ll stay subbed. Thanks.


I just unsubbed so much, thank you for the inspiration. so much unsubbing just so much


Wait for me, I want in on this rebellion too!


But… but… I’ll miss out on so much anima!! And the renown !?! What about the soul ash??

While it’s true that the game sucks and I’ve unsubbed, I’d hope Blizzard would try fixing it to win back the people who are leaving.

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I agree, if someone here doesn’t like 100% of wow you should quit. If however you like 99% of wow and you don’t like SL loot system or something else I think you should stick around :slight_smile:

I can’t; I have too much gold and can play for free for 3 years off current balance. Only 25% of my gold was there prior to SL too, and the rest was made since 7/2020. I cashed out of legions to play hearthstone for free, and again in BFA.

So those of you who say this isn’t a free to play pay to win game… Support scoffed at me when they saw my expansion were Bliz balance bought.

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Same. It’s so easy to make gold and the tokens are extremely cheap. I play casually and still am able to pay the sub lol

EA still sells games. Bethesda still sells games. Microsoft in their anti-gamer stances still sells games. Whole Foods still has shoppers. Chik-fil-a still has shoppers. Nestle still exists and sells to people. I mean, the list can go on of bad companies not losing customers.

Also I still love the game. So I’ll keep my sub, thanks.

But I do like the product. Should I still unsub because you’re upset with the company/product?

You’re not my real dad!

Unsub? But…but…but…but I don’t even have rivendare’s deathcharger yet. I’m a phony lord of reins if you ask me. :frowning:

Renown has a catchup, I’m not even bothering until I can catchup to 40 :+1:

This is the life cycle of wow xpacs:

Blizzcon: xpac is announced, dank new features and changes are revealed, hype train starts.

Over a period of unspecified time a number of other changes are revealed that are trash (more spells on GCD, aoe cap, etc) and the community is disgruntled but otherwise still hype for wow

Alpha and Beta are released, players tell Blizz “Yo [thing] is stupid”, they don’t listen. Players say “don’t worry, it’s only alpha/beta, it’ll be fixed before release”

xpac launches, large servers explode

A good bit of players hit the cap and discover [thing] is in fact stupid. Complaining begins, players say “don’t worry, the xpac just launched, it’ll get fixed in a patch”

Complaining continues, patches come out to address [thing], it’s better but likely presents a new issue. Players say “what are you guys talking about? Blizz addressed the issue and fixed it, you just want to whine”

Final patch comes, Blizz discovers the magic formula, people are happy for the most part, high optimism for next xpac, Blizz will have learned from their mistakes. Players say “Blizz is dumbing down the game for the vocal minority”

Just watch and see, 9.1 is going to come, Blizz will address the concerns you’ve seen here on the forums but it’s not going to be quite right in some way :rofl: My tinfoil hat theory is Blizz does this intentionally and they already know what players are going to QQ about and already have patch idea’s lined up


Yep, I noticed my newest alt that dungeon or raids were rewarding me with renown.

Let all unsub for a like a couple months and see what Blizzards response is. :clown_face:


Those people who only play the last patch of each xpac probably have the best experience in WoW. Catchup gear systems are in place, the entire story is there to be completed free from time gates, and the larger bugs are gone.
