Why you should unsub

Me not like (thing) so you not like (thing) either! Okie dokie?


OP, I have a question for you. What, in your eyes, makes a company bad? And should you stop using something you fully enjoy simply because you think the company is “bad”?

Honestly, people should just STOP trying to convince others to stop using products simply because they don’t like the company. The way it really works is - you like a product, you buy that product and you IGNORE the people who are butthurt and out for revenge.



But i like this product.

I did… a month ago :smiley:

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And if you DO like the product, then buy or rent it.

And a company can’t be “bad”. That’s nonsense. Anywhere in the world except this forum, Activision-Blizzard isn’t “bad”.

My response to the OP on how I feel about this thread


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You have a pretty low bar for what is great dont you?

Fixed that typo for you.

Prob going back on hiatus once my remaining 15 days run out personally. Quicker than I had hoped for this time around but there is sort of this bell curve / diminishing returns with content, where it changes from getting cool new stuff to sitting on the treadmill.

Once that happens it’s better to just take a break and come back later with all the catch up mechanics in place.


Are you talking about the same company that dropped the ball on OVERWATCH. No you are definitely not talking about the same company that cancelled Heroes of the Storm.

One step ahead of you! My sub money now goes to Square Enix.

This post made me hit unsub so hard I got a 15 year refund. Thanks OP

I agree, this game is awesome. I recruited 3 friends since starting SL and they all bought 3 months. Now I have 6 friends all with subscriptions. We played WSG last night and it was a BLAST. Now they’re messaging the group chat asking when we’re all gonna be online again. I wonder how much salt Ill generate with this reply.


You sure your bar isn’t too high?

But how will the company know I hate them if I don’t hate-eat their pizza and glare at them angrily as I do so?

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I’m going to need charts, graphs, and a PowerPoint before I make a decision this big.

What percent would be the deal breaking point?

I’d say if your percentage goes under 50% then you should leave :man_shrugging: You are more unhappy than happy at that point :+1:

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Wait, what’s wrong with Chik-Fil-A?