Why you should play Ret Paladin

Because you like playing ret paladins.
And probably to pvp, you get like 2 extra lives with loh and bubble.

Without a new shiny 2h you’re still trash dps.

With that new shiny 2h though you are a mighty force to be…still last dps.

Please don’t compare Ret pallys to druids.

You have to specify that it is in raids or your ignorance might show.

Who talks about dps in PvP??

Your ignorance is showing.

“Man did you see how much dps I did on that shaman”?

No one says that in PvP.

MCPs + spellpower anythings = at least decent DPS. Combine that with consumable items for damage and you’re a force in the precious raid.

We have literally been playing Ret Paladins wrong all of these years.

Lol can’t wait to see the look on people’s faces when they try this in raid and still bottom 25

It has to be better than AP stacking Ret…because anything has to be.

It’s just all of this was done on private servers already, they have logs just like anyone else and ret is still bad…

Wanting a spec to do great is one thing, it performing well is something different. You can farm crowed pummelers till you’re blue on the face, doesn’t change the fact that Ret isn’t a very good dps spec.

I’m not saying don’t play it, or you won’t get into a raid. You play what you want, just don’t have this illusion something new has been figured out, ret is bad dps.


Some privates have Holy Resistance…which never existed in the game. Many if not all the early ones did have this.

So that would depend on the private server used.

And for the record, Holy Resistance does not exist outside of the “universal resistance” a higher level mob has by virtue of being a higher level mob.

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People on these forums have always worried far too much about what is good when it comes to raiding and how that should translate into what others find enjoyable.

Yes if you want to be a top dog raider should probably try something other than Ret, or do Holy and play Ret on the side. For anything else it doesn’t matter and it always seems that many have a hard time grasping that.


Not to mention a would bet a good number of those who tell you to play this or that has never actually raided a day in their life or have been the ones to stand in fire.

Just a hunch.

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Don’t worry warcraftlogs already has a section for Classic.

Rets will be parsed, can’t wait for all the people who think ret does good get a wake up call.

Now I’m not saying to not play ret, play what you have fun with, but make no mistake, ret is not good in raids.

If that’s the case then Rets are still being played in Raids. Ret, nor any other healing hybrid, is ever going to do " good " DPS compared to a pure class, they were not built that way. However a well played Ret brings buffs, another LoH, BoP, the ability to keep judgements up without healers needing to worry with it, and off heals if needed.

It’s always been the problem Blizzard faced, and why ultimately the Devs just stopped arguing and did what the players wanted. You can’t quantify utility on an addon, and players such narrow view of design and wanting it to be viewed through Recount, Skada, etc. is the major reason design took such a hard left.

Also they were used to swing that 1 weapon that out a debuff on the boss to take more magic damage.

The point is people are trying to play them as if they do good dps, and they don’t.

I’m not saying they don’t provide benefits to the raid, someone has to swing that weapon, for alliance it’s Pallys.

Forgot the name of the weapon though.

That’s the issue though, people always view raiding through such a narrow spectrum, and really since Vanilla it has only gotten worse. The bad part is much of that thought has spread out into the larger game world where it just doesn’t matter.

The thing is with all of these raids, you have 40 people, not everyone has to be top notch. Yes there are people that want to say it’s good dps, but it doesn’t matter. Play with friends, enjoy yourself, and if that means bringing a spec that isn’t " good dps ", it shouldn’t kill you.

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Nightfall. It can add up a decent amount of damage and rets are the better option to go with for using it.

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There it is.

They are the best spec to use it for alliance because there spec is less dps. Which was always why they wore it.

They’re the best spec because they can trigger it with their normal dps rotation and can double proc it with some of their seals.

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Are you going to pay for the weapon?

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