Why wPvP is More Fun Than Battlegrounds

I would guess about 1/3rd of the players in classic has at one time or another played on a private server, and 90% of the hardcore players/guilds came from private servers.

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so unpoplar WPvP dies the second BGs come out.

so unpopular it’s not even worth listening to.

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well, you are a horde. ofcourse you prefer WPVP. in Wpvp, you and 15 other neckbeards can camp boats and fps all day and always have numbers. where as in places like WSG, you are forced into a fair fight, which you guys don’t do so well with. Its waaaaay more fun to just camp BRM for 8 hours a day, killing guys that rez every 20 feet

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It’s truly amazing how many people just read titles, see the poster, and literally don’t read anything beyond that and make incredibly ignorant comments about it.

My guildmates without stealth are having fun.

Any other anecdotes you want me to argue against with my own?

Not true, i pvp/farm all around its not that we outnumber horde pvpers, the horde on the server suck. Which is probably why they run around in groups.

You’re not wrong.

Lots of bad alliance group up too, but I def feel more Horde NEED to.

So going around western plaguelands picking off horde you know what I’ve discovered? There are a couple mages who sit just south of chillwind camp by themselves, maybe they’re working in shifts who knows, who polymorph people who fly into chillwind long enough for the honorless debuff to fall off, and then kill them. These mages are blood guards and legionaries, so by far some of the top honor earners on the server hordeside. The other top earners so far as I’m aware are the rogues who live in Ironforge and suicide people down.

So the situation as far as the best honor gains for horde is sitting and waiting for people to fly in so you can poly them and wait out their honorless debuff and then kill them, or its killing some people in Ironforge and then doing a corpserun when you’re invariably killed at some point. It sounds miserable to be honest.

On the alliance side what you’re experiencing is every single flight path you fly into is camped. When you go to Ironforge you are attacked regularly. When you’re out in the world you are subjected to roving kill gangs. And if you are so foolish as to head to BRM you are corpsehopping the whole way there.

I want you to do me a favor. Go online and ask your guild if they are going to be relieved when battlegrounds come out and, hopefully, all these thirsty asf horde aren’t going to be corpsecamping everywhere.

It doesn’t matter how much dissembling and posturing and how many contortions you twist yourself into, the facts speak for themselves.


Sure. Jump on a healer and go farm by yourself in Felwood, or EPL/WPL, or Azshara. Let us know how it goes when you are on the short end of it, and not one of the chosen classes that get to roam freely.

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Wont disagree there. The Horde are mostly really bad on Bigglesworth.

FP camping is a thing. It’s also easy enough NOT to fly to high value flight paths, but it’s generally easier to just fly there, die, and then invis pot run away (Faster than running from another zone).

The true FP farming method was with MC and dueling, that got banned as far as i’m aware.

But there’s plenty of blood guards and legionaries who don’t fp camp all day.

For instance, i’m a Blood Guard, and my strategy is to either roam EPL/WPL and kill off people, or when i’m lazy/am doing something else irl, ill wait in EPL until an alliance raid comes in and wipes the place, then rezz bomb them. I usually get at least 1 kill per rezz, if they’re pretty organized i’ll invis pot > soul fire > DC > immolate > conflag and if they happen to survive that, shadowburn. Has a 10 min cd, but it’s pretty fun to kill their healers and such in essentially 1 global before anyone can react. You’ll get corpse camped on 2 min timers, but that just allows you time to do other things. It’s also AMAZING honor per hour.

The majority of my honor comes from simply walking down roads and killing people before their group kills me.

I probably die at least 50 times a day. I’m on 2 min timers pretty often, so there’s times where i could have died upwards of 30 times an hour.

Obviously not for everyone, but i find being corpse camped fun, just because i make it so dangerous for people, and i like seeing how they try to counter and react.

Also on my server, alliance do the same thing. I can’t go to UC and not expect to die at least once, i can’t go on a zeppelin and not expect a stealth group waiting to farm me. At least with the alliance cities you only really have to worry about rogues. There’s zero guards and multiple entrances in the horde cities and you HAVE to go out the front gate to go to the zeppelins. It’s a prime farming location.

It’s just wpvp. We did it back in the day too. It’s going to continue to happen even after bgs.

Honestly a lot of people on my server horde side would rather bg. wpvp is absolutely not for everyone. It never has been. It’s why pvp servers have always had small but dedicated populations. It’s also in everyone’s best interest if less people who didn’t like wpvp were on them.

I’m not trying to force people who don’t want to be on them to play. I’m not saying you’re opinion on wpvp is wrong either. But you have to understand that this is wpvp. This is the entirety of why pvp servers exist, and there are definitely people who enjoy it.

Not many people like the zergy stuff, i agree on that point, but if that actually stops you from wpvping, then it’s pretty obvious pvp servers probably aren’t for you.

PvP servers aren’t broken, they don’t need to be fixed, and less people aren’t going to magically make it playable for you, it just makes it easier for other people to grief you individually. And if you care about getting zerged down, then i doubt you’ll enjoy it when people make it personal.

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Nothing you typed has any relevance to my situation. I’m enjoying phase 2 quite a bit, but I have stealth so it’s basically impossible to corpsecamp me and I can avoid the grape angs. I rolled alliance specifically because I wanted a lot of wpvp, and I got it. It sounds like your server is more numerically even, but the reality is you rolled horde because you didn’t really want wpvp.

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I posted this twice, but that’s not true. First, you can pvp on either faction. Second, no one knew what the population balances would even be, or what they would be on the server you picked. It was a leap of faith.

I thought alliance would pull ahead, for reasons i’ve already listed, and on my server they did in the beginning.

You’re making assumptions about me based on what the breakdown is NOW and the type of horde you perceive on your server.

This just isn’t true. There were multiple census’s run on 3rd party sites where people said which faction/class they were rolling. There was the historical dominance of the horde faction on retail to corroborate this. There was Hardiness and WOTF. Horde was always projected to be favored on pvp servers while alliance was favored on pve servers. It didn’t require any particular level of clairvoyance to figure out at all. Don’t pretend otherwise.

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its only fun if you are the one winning . if you are being corpse camped its not fun.

Im totally against changes because its classic . But what were they thinking when they implemented pvp system lol. #howtocausemaximumgrief

This is what wpvp in Classic is going to be remembered for- players exploiting mechanics to set up impossible to lose situations for easy honour.

Not for memorable fights over resources, not for long lasting rivalries and close match ups- for people exploiting to avoid the deserter debuff, safespotting to avoid guards, camping FPs and instance portals in the hopes of killing someone who can’t fight back, and raid groups patrolling and camping small parties.

Regardless of which side of the balance you’re on- that’s what the majority of wpvp is in Classic- attempting to exploit past the few rules Blizz has, and attempting to avoid pvp at all costs unless there’s no way you can lose.

I remember in Vanilla seeing hundreds of videos.

Of spriests melting 3 others by themselves, of rogues taking on better geared players with ease, of groups of 3-5 taking on groups of 10, of HWL and GM battles that went on for minutes. Dozens of players that were respected or feared on your server. Videos showcasing actual skill against odds that weren’t in their favour- because back then, we actually respected being able to win a difficult fight, and we wanted to be able to do so ourselves.

Now- you watch twitch streamers cackling like hyenas and screaming get rekt a dozen times whenever they win a fight and celebrating like they just took gold in the olympics, or ‘omg why didn’t my ability go off, this is BS’ if they lose, or with their crew just camping an area and nuking solo players that go by or pouncing on AFKers as they farm honour while they casually talk about how they don’t think there’s an imbalance, half AFK and chilling in BRM.

And that’s the thing that wpvp is right now- it’s not pvp, it’s honour farming. It’s people going out and trying to farm the most honour- the pvp really doesn’t matter to people, players aren’t looking for ‘how to be a better pvper’ they’re trying to ‘get the most honour’.


Overall more people play alliance. More horde play on pvp servers. However, that wasn’t true in vanilla.

in Vanilla alliance just dominated. They had many advantages that were outside the realm of 2 pvp racials, like AV map advantage and paladins are the best pvp healers in the game.

Almost all of the streamers rolled alliance for this reason. It appeared credible to me that many would follow their footsteps. Because while horde is king in retail, the reverse is true in vanilla.

Once again, i was wrong in that assumption.

But none of that mattered because you still didn’t know what YOUR server’s comp was going to be. You could look at census data in the early days, and mine said we were even and sometimes tilting alliance. I joined with my friends and past a week in you’re pretty much locked on that server in the race that was 60. It then started to tilt horde, and it’s at around 20% more horde than alliance at this point, which is something like 45:55.

Even now 20% is hardly overwhelming numbers. A definite advantage though.

But even now i don’t zerg, i don’t even group in 5 mans.

It’s absolutely ridiculous you’re trying to tell ME on what my expectations were and how I play the game. You’re just wrong.

Now are there horde that fit your description? Probably, but that still doesn’t mean every horde fits in that strawman you’ve crafted.

Not really. Even on the massively imbalanced realm that I’m on, Alliance camps flight paths more than Horde does, in my experience.

The Horde will still be corpse camping everywhere. Nothing about that is going to change.

The only difference is now the people being camped will have a reasonable chance at earning honor without requiring an organized group since they’ll be randomly matched against the opposing faction in equal numbers.

My original post was only trying to make the point that you don’t have to be on the majority faction to enjoy world PvP, and my response to you was simply meant to clarify that you do not have to be a stealth class, either.

Haha look at this feigned self righteousness.

Who, Asmon and Swifty and…? Horde has more streamers. Soda, Sony, Method people like Cdew, Tips (lol) and his hangers on, Kargoz - unfortunately he didn’t quarantine himself on Faerlina and I have to deal with his mongoloid paypigs on Skeram.

If you don’t have even the most basic understanding of statistics, sure. Choosing the statistically higher side you might wind up on the one server that bucks the trend, but remember that Heartseeker went heavy alliance after the fact when blizzard opened up transfers and people decided to jump ship on their current server where they were the underdog.

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It’s entirely subjective. There is no universal answer to your proposition other than your own.