Why WoW Isn't Fun for Me Anymore

if it isnt fun then quit. making thread number 25720 on the game not being fun but staying subbed to it forever isnt gonna make you special.


human male paladin has terrible idea, to the surprise of absolutely no one

The World Of Warcraft doesn’t sound very “W”…
I believe they’re making a transition to something
more palatable to contemporary mass psychology.

I don’t think more faction war was the way to go, can still be neutral, but cutting out the Horde side of things was a mistake. Horde can have a few of their own quest hubs with their own cultural take on everything, and their own methods of solving problems (which probably includes lots of goblin explosives, forsaken toxins, and orc muscles).

I enjoyed also the split factions storyline and also the class halls different storylines, I kinda agree that there should be more story actions for alts.

Faction stuff died when we went through the dark portal and sat in shatt unable to pvp each other.

If you’ve cared about faction lore at all since TBC you’re a scam artist.

fake news from a classic player, you could catch people leaving the city and cognitive dissonance wasnt invented in vocabulary yet

Ya, it was better when we would move to a new land were the factions had their own agenda. Faction alliances were still there but only to justify the ends.

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Another “so this why I don’t like wow anymore “ rant.

You know I don’t like seafood , well that’s not fully true crab cakes, fish sticks and tuna (so long as it’s not drowned in mayo) I like but that other stuff is not for me.

Also I don’t like tags on shirts they annoy me. Oh and why do we make appointments for say a doctor or to get our hair cut or to meet a bank loan officer- only to wait thirty minutes passed the appointment before they see you anyway? I hate that.

Oh what’s my point? Right how’s it related to wow and other players playing it?

Well because other players care as much about a random player spouting off about things they hate as they care about why someone is leaving the game or it no longer interests them.

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it’s because the devs ramped up the threats too much/too frequently.

In classic, most of the threats we dealt with were (largely) zone wide with the occasional threats spanning multiple zones, and a few that were a regional threat. Thus, plenty of room for bashing one another

With Burning Crusade and every expansion that has followed, every threat is now on a global/cosmic scale.

Thus, the horde and alliance have to band together. Can’t fight one another if Azeroth ceases to exist.

And given that we are dealing with threats of that magnitude, it would be tough to go back to do things that were smaller scale in nature

lowbie not minding his business.


Things change, I guess. The faction division as a central plot point doesn’t make sense any more.

It was fun while it lasted, but I think if they forced more of that it would just be incredibly boring:

Oh no… the has a new genocidal leader! Better stop 'em

I mean, it’s not much better than: "oh no! New world ending cosmic being is going to end us all! Better stop 'em!

But at least the latter lets us have new interesting threats that take us to new places.

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I mean, isn’t it more lazy to keep using the same idea in new settings? “Horde and alliance fight at darkshore.” “Horde and alliance fight at pandaria.” “Horde and alliance fight on an alien world.” And then sprinkle a leader doing something shady, but wait! It had purpose and they didn’t do something shady. They were just influenced by old gods/fel/shadowlands.

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it started being less fun when they started to put passion on the back burner and put all the focus on shareholders’ interests probably.

that’s a classic.

money ruins everything :wink:

if we were smart we’d completely abandon any product that starts showing signs of this happening but that’s not what happens. it’s insidious, progressively worse and worse, allowing for sunken cost fallacy to really kick in. before you know it youre a zombie playing everyday even if youre having no fun , or very little.

I mean it doesnt have to be a hot war. But im sitting here just yuckin it up with anduin about board games when not too long ago i would form a raid to murder him

But Blizzard feels we need to just all get along, sound familiar…not wanting it at all.

Eh, I can kinda see why a lot of people miss the faction specific content, especially if you were into the horde vibes.

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well goodbye then

Yeah but you can still have the factions with their separate cultures and internal issues play a part instead of it being about fighting one another. Now it just feels like Horde doesn’t even exist, and it makes me sad. I main a velf Shadow Priest but I have a few horde characters too and I just feel like they have no real reason to even be in this story, necessarily.

YMMV, I feel like there should still have been a faction presence for RPG reasons/world building/because Horde are fun.