Why wow classic dictating retail design

the removal of personal loot and instead strictly group loot need before greed

I donā€™t doubt players wanting a mount. Iā€™m just saying, the Classic audience is NOT just:

classic is quick enough to die out one month after it launches. TBC was awful

They are trying to figure out why their subs peaked in WOTLK and capture some of that and bring it back to retail.

Is it group loot? I donā€™t think so, I think they are throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks imo.

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Well, Iā€™m almost 40, but Iā€™m not bald.

yeah , they are not the only audience.

Explain what you mean by ā€œdie outā€. I can assure you, thereā€™s more players on the Classic Wrath Servers than the perma Vanilla Classic servers :wink:

wotlk i assume was the return of the most popular warcraft character and everyone and their mother knew the lich king.

Iā€™m fairly confident Blizzards internal numbers illustrate to them that classic is much more popular. And if they rework it to keep it live updated and start new development using its dynamics, they will start bringing in larger demographics

I could be wrong, but I think itā€™s pretty obvious.

You can still have the retail stuff you like, but that should more about cosmetics, not gear.

eeeh, i wouldnā€™t say thats really a classic thing? lotta people have been against personal loot since it became a thing. Personally iā€™ve been a fan of NOTING PERSONEL loot because it makes for less loot drama but overall iā€™m meh towards it i guess. Iā€™ll do what I did back in the day, need if i need, and greed / pass if i donā€™t.

Makes a vague thread and refuses to elaborate what itā€™s about. Gotta love it

its pretty obvious the biggest news of the day aside from 28th november release

Yea I donā€™t think they are going to recapture that thing, but you asked why they are letting classic dictate retail design and the answer is because they think they can.

Is this what itā€™s about? Fear of losing PL? Even as an anti-PLer, I donā€™t think PL should go away. I just want ML back (as an option) for guild groups, only, but thatā€™s another conversation to be had.

Unfortunately classic is in fact NOT dictating retail. If it was, retail would be raking in more players, like WotLK did. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s really not but alright lol.

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Why is somebody who only does LFR concerned about this?

I question that,in the reverse classic should only be cosmetic ,while retail should stand on itā€™s own without classics influence.

because itll be in LFR too

in LFR you roll against no one with the loot that drops you either get it or not

Really ,talent tree why else would we have it they couldā€™ve created another form of talents.