Why would you want to play a Classic forever server?

Oh, okay, you’re just trolling. See ya.

All you do is complain and attack anyone who disagrees with you. Most of your statements are either based off of some weird conjectures, hearsay or pure emotion.

To top it all off, you have a tendency to contradict yourself. If you’d like to be taken seriously, compose your thoughts, write a draft and edit before posting. Facts help.

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Well the good thing is people with this attitude, who don’t get it, won’t be around any more to pollute the game.

I’ll be playing both and my druid, warlock and hunter (three of the four classes I have at 60) are better in TBC. Only my priest is meta in Classic and it’s still very good in TBC.

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Agree. Pvp is endless content if done right

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And i quit after a month of shadow lands because the balance is horrific and the new content is awful

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Classic forever could likely be more popular in the long run. Classic pirate servers are far more populated than expansion pirate servers.

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I wouldn’t mind classic, if it was with the vanilla community.

The world buff meta, buying gold and killing level 5s outside Razor hill to bracket pad just disgusts me.

Honestly, the first time around, I just kind of piddled around and didn’t get into raiding until TBC. I didn’t start Classic until recently, so I’ve missed the boat on vanilla raiding twice now. I would like to do Naxx while it’s current (recurrent) content. I’d also love to see the AQ gates open again (we did it on my main server long into TBC) and experience all the things I keep missing.

Because every expansion they added to World of Warcraft made the game worse.

*TBC is ok up until Black Temple.

Only reason I played classic wow, A friend and I played on a private server 2 years ago for fun and had a great time, loved how the game progressed just like the old wow. Does not seem like that’s going to happen here. It was fun in old wow, getting the gear and coming back to the old lands to solo raids for cool looking gear and stuff or some items you might still want.

in tbc basically every class got reworked to the point that they are different classes now

If you want to play a classic class, you have to play classic.

Also TBC has some major issues with 2.4.3 craftable gear… it’s so expensive to make but since it’s available from the beginning, you’ll need it to compete, and there’s so much of it. I wish they would do 2.0 or 2.1 craftable gear.

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Smash dungeons and pvp with who?

We’ve been begging for classic servers back when BC originally released and up until a few years ago Blizzard always told us “you think you want it but you don’t”. We finally got classic servers and most players are already: “WhY wOuLd yOu wAnT fOrEvEr CLaSsIc?” Like, the whole reason why we wanted classic servers is to, you know, play classic forever lol.


Not you it looks like.

So you mean just like 99% of all videos games in existence?

i’m very slow at leveling, so i would definitely play classic forever